NYPD Detective Injured In Terror Attack SLAMS NYC Mayor For Honoring Terrorist

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A retired New York bomb detective who was critically injured in an FALN attack blasted the city’s mayor for allowing a terrorist to be honored.

FALN leader Oscar Lopez Rivera will be marshaling New York City’s Puerto Rican Day parade with the blessing of Mayor Bill de Blasio (D).

Many big names such as the NYPD, Coca-Cola, and Goya foods have all pulled their sponsorship of the parade due to Rivera’s involvement.


As written for Fox News:

He said that Mark-Viverito and de Blasio are simply “looking for votes” from a fringe element of the Puerto Rican community.

“[Allowing] a man who was a terrorist… to be paraded down Fifth Avenue as a hero makes me absolutely sick,” Senft said.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” Senft said, addressing de Blasio.

In the 1980s, Lopez Rivera bombed NYPD headquarters, the Jacob Javits federal building and the Colonial-era Fraunce’s Tavern in Lower Manhattan.

Detective Seriously Injured in Attack Slams De Blasio for Honoring Terrorist


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