While mentioning the upcoming red tidal wave, TX Legislator Ted Cruz provided Fox audiences a major warning. Cruz claims that the crypt caretaker, Nancy Pelosi, has strategies to toss the elections. I need to confess I share his conserns.
“They recognize they’re mosting likely to lose. And Also Nancy Pelosi is not going to go silently. She is mosting likely to yell,” Cruz said Tuesday on “The Ingraham Angle.” “She’s already preparing to shriek.”
“As well as keep in mind, Democrats do not rely on democracy … [and] they recognize their ideas are unpopular. It’s why they conceal from what they think. The number of Democrats discuss weapon control, the number of Democrats talk about silencing free speech or taking away your religious freedom? They claim they don’t think it,” he claimed.
He included that Democrats are becoming progressively extreme.
“Democrats are increasing down on the extreme. Their policy is collapsing and melting,” Cruz told host Laura Ingraham.
Americans aren’t tricked by Democrats’ duplicity, Cruz claimed.
” [Americans [are] … paying $6 and $7 a gallon for gas. They see the border– total and total chaos … They still see the disasters of Biden’s policies assaulting our constitutional freedoms, consisting of a really liberal High court justice candidate that we can expect to weaken our complimentary speech, undermine spiritual liberty, weaken the Second Change and to be incredibly tolerant on criminal activity.”
“Every one of the policies [Democrats] have are a calamity. And also surprisingly, their foreign policy is also worse than their domestic as well as economic plan. And so now, Democrats are panicking … It’s going to get even worse between now and also political election.”
At the end of 2021, Florida GOP’s voter enrollment numbers officially surpassed the state Democratic Event, offering Republicans the lead in a state gradually changing red.
Now, Republicans in Florida outnumber Democrats for the very first time by over 100,000 voters, in both new registrants and also celebration switches, according to inner numbers from Gov. Ron DeSantis’ re-election campaign solely obtained by Fox Information Digital.
Such as this:
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