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Video from an internal Walt Disney Co. meeting shows top executives vowing to greatly increase the number of LGBT characters in Disney productions.

Journalist Christopher Rufo obtained several clips from the company’s “Reimagine Tomorrow” meeting — apparently held in response to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education legislation — and shared them on Twitter on Tuesday.

In one video, Latoya Raveneau, identified as an executive producer for Disney Television Animation, said the company already has been pushing hard for what she described as her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda.”

“On my little pocket of, you know, Proud Family Disney TVA, the showrunners were super welcoming … to like, my, like, not-at-all-secret gay agenda,” she said.

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“Maybe it was that way in the past, but I guess, like, something must have happened,” Raveneau said.

She expressed joy in the “momentum that I felt, that sense of ‘I don’t have to be afraid to, like, let’s have these two characters kiss in the background.’ I was just, wherever I could, just basically adding queerness,” she said.

“No one would stop me, and no one was trying to stop me,” Raveneau said.

General entertainment president Karey Burke said Disney must greatly increase the number of lead characters who are gay.

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“I’m here as the mother of two queer children, actually, one transgender child and one pansexual child, and also as a leader,” Burke said.

“I have heard so much from so many of my colleagues over the course of the last couple weeks in open forums and through emails and…


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