Sick Goons Have Swatted Marjorie Taylor Greene Again….

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Early Wednesday, Rep.Greene was “swatted” at her home in Georgia after police received reports of shots being heard at her home. Of course, there was nothing wrong going on at Casa de MTG, it was simply a false call by a third party.

Now, for the second night in a row, police showed up at the home of Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene in the early hours of Thursday morning, responding to a fake 911 call. Once again, it appears that someone on the Left is hoping to get Greene into a situation in which she or others in her home could be killed.

Two police officers rushed to Greene’s home in Rome, Ga., in response to a call they received at 2:53 a.m. The call, according to the Rome Police Department, was about “a male possibly shooting his family members and then himself.”

‘The Gateway Pundit’ defined Swatting:

“Swatting” is the action or practice of making a prank call to emergency services in an attempt to bring about the dispatch of a large number of armed police officers to a particular address.

This is a dangerous prank used by the American left against their political opponents. It is very dangerous because it could lead to a violent confrontation if the police are not aware of the situation.

The perpetrator uses a VPN so the letter can’t be tracked back to the source, but police are currently investigating.

“It’s very dangerous, Steve,” Greene told Steve Bannon while on his show on Thursday. “Because we haven’t found this person, or it may be a group of people, but whoever it is and whatever they are, their ideology is sick and disgusting.”

Please pray for Marjorie’s safety and pray the perpetrators are brought to justice.

Source: TheGatewayPundit

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