Just when we thought we were in the clear here comes round 2 of the global pandemic. Personally, I blame the riots that brought people close together in the street and threw social distancing out the window.
Coronavirus seems to be making a rather sizable comeback in the United States this week and Trump administration officials are growing concerned.
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar warned Sunday that the “window is closing” for the United States to get the coronavirus pandemic under control, as confirmed cases are surging in a majority of the country and some states are dealing with record numbers of hospitalizations.
“Things are very different from two months ago… So it is a very different situation, but this is a very, very serious situation and the window is closing for us to take action and get this under control,” Azar told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”
He suggested that the US is better positioned to handled the pandemic than before, pointing to increased testing, contact tracing, hospital capacity, reserves of personal protective equipment, and advancement toward therapeutics and potential vaccines for the virus.
Since we have been through this before already this year, we may be more prepared and better equipped to handle the situation. President Trump does seem to be cool, calm, and collected when it comes to the subject, which, of course, brings loads of criticism.
But we almost made it through this once, and with his experience and positive attitude I believe well will make it through again.