Katy Perry Weighs in on the Manchester Massacre [Video]

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Pop singer Katy Perry shows us a measure of how far from reality she is this latest interview, especially in light of the “Religion of Peace” Bombing in Manchester, England.

During the interview with Elvis Duran, Perry gave the world some of that saged wisdom Liberal celebrities are known for, “Just unite and love on each other.” As if that’s not bad enough, she went on to basically declare that the best way to deal with extreme terrorism was to… produce… more… concerts.

Here’s a bit from that particular exchange…
Duran: “The first thing I thought of this morning was, I just want to go to a concert. I just want to prove to the world that we need to get together and have festive get-togethers like your tour that you just announced. What are your thoughts on that?”

Perry: “You know, I can’t tell anyone else how they should feel, but I just feel devastated.”

Duran, impressed: “Yeah?”

Perry: “Yeah.”

Duran: “Yeah. So you should. We all should. It’s a sad thing. People getting together for what is supposed to be the elevating show.” He said confidently, “And you know, they will continue. They will happen.”


As written for DailyWire by HANK BERRIEN:

Perry then waxed as eloquent as she could manage:

Besides like all the weird stuff that goes around the Internet, which is, y’know, sometimes a great place but an absolute, y’know, underbelly mob-pit of horribleness, I think, like, the greatest thing we can do now is just unite as people, as like, fan bases, all of it, y’know? Cause I think, like, there, like, as much, y’know, whatever we say behind people’s backs, cause the Internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go but I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other and like, no barriers, no borders, like we all need to just co-exist.

Duran: “True, And what happened last night gives us all the more reason why we need to have big, fun concerts.”

Perry: “Absolutely. Absolutely.”

Duran, excitedly: “It’s kind of interesting how that works out. They try to ruin one, but actually it makes the ones in our future more important.”

Perry: “If this gets out to anybody, I just want to say that I love all of you out there and I just know that like some of our fan bases kind of go both ways. Ari’s fans are my fans, and my fans are Ari’s fans, and like we’re just all loving on each other and we should just stay loving on each other.”

WATCH THE IDIOCY: Katy Perry After Manchester Massacre: ‘No Barriers, No Borders, Like We All Need To Just Co-Exist’


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