Dan Rather Thinks GOP Is Waiting To Turn On President Trump

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Anchor Dan Rather stated that Republicans are just waiting to “turn on” President Donald Trump if his poll numbers drop below 30% and that they’re “afraid that he may have indeed committed some impeachable offense.”

“Trump throughout his presidency, part of the way of operating his strategy is, he has to weave the narrative every day, so he grabbed it again today. They’re on mission destroy Comey. And it’s going to be an equivalent of Sherman’s March to the sea—burn everything in sight, destroy Comey.”

“That’s the game of this because this overall strategy for President Trump, in my opinion, he absolutely must keep his hardcore base. I think we mentioned before, right now he’s somewhere between 35%, 38% approval rating, he knows if it gets below 30% and stays there for very long, Republicans will turn on him.”

He added,”I think they’re afraid of where this may go. They’re afraid that he may have, indeed, committed some impeachable offense and also they’re hearing from home that a lot of their constituents are increasingly concerned about the Trump presidency. But, you know, we don’t—up until now, we have no profiles in courage among the Republicans.”

“Somebody is really speaking out saying Trump is bad for the country and bad for the party. But as long as he’s able to hold that 35%, 38% poll rating, you may not see that. Once it gets down below 30%, you see some Republicans going the other way.”


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