BLM Has Been Planning A Post-Election Attack For Months

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It has been discovered that several groups led by Black Lives Matter and Shutdown DC have been holding training sessions for protesters planning to conduct a large-scale event directly across the street from the White HLeouse with thousands in attendance.

Leaked documents and Zoom call recordings reveal a coordinated network of activists ready and waiting to mobilize around the country, especially if President Trump were to win the election or contest the results. The evidence allegedly show plans to shut down several federal buildings, including the White House, and then to intercept members of Congress at predetermined public transportation portals when they are scheduled to meet back in Washington after the election.

The groups’ ultimate goal is to continue civil unrest demonstrations from Election Day until later this week or beyond, possibly even until the presidential inauguration in January.

The FBI will neither confirm or deny these findings but says they have been working extensively with federal, state, and local officials to “gather and analyze intelligence to determine whether individuals might be motivated to take violent action for any reason.”

Those at FBI headquarters are focused on finding a “centralized location for assessing election-related threats, tracking status reports and significant complaints from FBI field offices, monitoring for indicators of a coordinated nationwide effort to disrupt the election process, providing guidance to FBI field offices, and coordinating an FBI response to any election-related incident.”

Election command posts are being put up by FBI field officers to coordinate with headquarters as well as local and state partners to simplify communication and guarantee the safety of the public during the election.

The Shutdown DC website indicates that thousands of people are planning to “start this next phase of the election cycle in the streets.”

Washington DC and other cities across the country are bracing themselves for the worst after the election.

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