A Threatening Message For Anyone Who Still Supports Trump

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After the events that took place earlier this month at the Capitol, it seems like the entire country is more divided than ever. Not only that but now if you are a Trump supporter or were associated with the Trump administration you will be treated as an enemy of your own country.

You can not shun everyone who voted for Trump and expect the nation to heal.

Independent Women’s Forum analyst Kelsy Bolar claims that Joe Biden was elected as president on the idea that he would bring unity and a sense of normalcy to our country but the “dangerous cancel culture” could flush it all down the drain.

“This dangerous cancel culture, which wants to ban any American who had the audacity to support President Trump or work in his administration from being able to do something as basic as have a new job,” said Bolar.

Bolar is referring to Forbes warning companies not to employee officials previously associated with Donald Trump.

In the op-ed, the magazine’s chief content officer, Randall Lane, sent a warning to companies considering hiring Kayleigh McEnany, White House press secretary, Kellyanne Conway, former senior counselor to the president, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House deputy press secretary, and any other White House official who worked for the Trump administration.

“Let it be known to the business world,” Lane wrote, “Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie.”

Bolar is accusing the media, Big Tech, and corporate America of being in on canceling anyone who was associated with President Trump. She says it is a “very dangerous and concerning trend and it will not unite the country.”

Bolar pointed out a tweet from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that said the 2016 election was hijacked by Republicans and no actions were taken.

She argues that the left doesn’t hold themselves accountable but will still tell anyone who worked for Trump that they do not deserve to work or live in this country.

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