I know that I am not the only one who has a hard time believing that Joe Biden got millions of votes more than Barack Obama did.
Obama was the first ‘black’ president who was charismatic and had a cult following. Biden, on the other hand, could barely draw flies to his rallies.
The narrative just does not jive.
For months now millions of Americans have been demanding an investigation … a transparent investigation by an independent team of experts.
Hell, after hearing testimony like this, who in their right mind would not want to learn more? As citizens of the republic, we deserve to know the truth. I would vow to accept the findings of the investigation, regardless of what it found … as long as the process is open, honest and transparent.
Listen to this bombshell testimony and let us know what YOU think …
Jim Hoft, Founder of America’s most over the target website, The Gateway Pundit is reporting:
‘Last Monday the Arizona Senate reconvened. During a senate session, the discussion turned to the UOCAVA voters — the voters covered under the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act. These are the men and women who are serving their country in the military and send in a mail-in vote from where they are stationed outside the country.
The act officially covers:
-Members of the United States Uniformed Services and merchant marine;
-their family members; and
-United States citizens residing outside the United States.
During the hearing, Paul Harris, a Maricopa resident and veteran in corporate executive management, spoke to the committee. Harris was a manager during the audit of the Maricopa County audit of the 2020 election ballots.
Paul Harris was tasked with overseeing the UOCAVA ballots during the audit. He described his experience.
Paul Harris: The UOCAVA is the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act ballot. That ballot is sent out to men and women who work overseas and the people who work overseas to get a chance to work in the election. This is what a ballot looks like that goes out, an 11 1/2 X 19 ballot. When I opened up a box of ballots this is what a ballot looks like that’s a UOCAVA ballot. You know what that is? It’s an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of copy paper.

Paul Harris continued: “Did you all know that our ballots come back like this from our overseas people? Did any of you know this? It is such a sham that I had people everyday at my table taking pictures of these ballots that were scanned down. It took my team three complete days to count all of the UOCAVA ballots. You know why? Because in 2016 the numbers were apparently 1,600 UOCAVA ballots that came back in the most significant election in our lifetime. In 2020 the numbers were close to 9,600 ballots that came back. And I will tell you as an eye-witness, 95%… all went towards one candidate. And in a state where a candidate won by 10,000 votes that is 8,000 new votes during an election where people were brought home because there was a pandemic… No chain of custody. There’s nothing to identify where this piece of paper came from.
This testimony by Paul Harris is very similar to what we witnessed in Michigan and Georgia.
We have reported on this extensively at The Gateway Pundit.
The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee held a hearing in Lansing on election fraud and irregularities in December 2020.
The witness, Patty McMurray, described her experience at the TCF Center on Wednesday morning.
“Not one of the military ballots was a registered voter and the ballots looked like they were all exactly the same Xerox copies of the ballot – they were all for Biden across the board, there wasn’t a single Trump vote and none of the voters were registered, “witness Patty said. “They had to manually enter the names, addresses, enter birthdate of 1/1/2020 which would override the system and allow them to enter non-registered voters of which I saw several that day, throughout the day, that’s how they would override voters that were neither in the electronic poll book or in the supplemental updated poll book.”
The similarities in testimony by witnesses in the three states is incredibly consistent.
At this point there sure seems to be enough evidence suggesting that something … sour was going on in these states. We do not want the election to be blindly overturned and reversed. Quite frankly, doing so would be as unjust as not investigating all these eye witness reports of fraud and misconduct.
All that we want is the truth and the only way to find out the truth is through and open, honest and TRANSPARENT investigation by INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATORS.
The fact that this article is going to be censored and demonetized only lends more credence to the allegations we outlined … Remember ‘The wicked flee when none pursue’ … That is exactly where we stand.
I encourage everyone to read the entire article by Hoft at The Gateway Pundit. You can find the bombshell piece HERE.
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Working for the FBI?
EVERY STATE should enact a law whereby if any pollster manipulates any ballots it is an automatic 5 year incarceration without parole.
Treason, and public hanging. No need to feed them for crimes.
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Wroking for the DNC?
The theif comes to steal and to kill. These theives prove they have no respect for the sacrifices are fighting men make for us. It’s time for the soldiers to start fighting for their own rights-their and our responsibility is to our Constititution not to the ones stealing our rights.
C’mon man! The Bidenreicg obtained a majority of votes from All Voters living, dead, imaginary and fake.
AGAIN, SO WHAT! No one will be investigated. No media will show the FRAUD. It will all go away just like the HUNDREDS of PROOF of Fraud cases all over the country. So what is the point. You trying to make us all think their are any AMERICANS left in D.C. Because their are only about ten and they are just called names and just lied to by all the other Communist in D.C. So again piles of evidence that will just be ignored and never heard from again. I am telling you the Communist have taken full control. It is over unless the people fight back. And everytime we do they just come after you just like they did to the people from 1/6. They are all still in Pelosi’s Concenration Camp Prisons. And they have been stripped of all their constitutional Rights. You know why because CHINA is showing Pelosi and others how you get rid of all Protesters. You lock them up and torture them. So F U PELOSI you f-ing Witch. You soelless Scank.
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Another ‘suicide?’
the lying, evil, corrupt pond sucking scum dems CHEATED, get it thru your thick, fat skulls…they changed election laws and everything else they could think of to win…AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN THIS TIME, you devil minions
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