Syndicated Via National File| JACK HADFIELD|
Steve Cox, an independent leftist candidate for California’s 39th House seat, wrote on Twitter that anyone who does not wear a mask or practices social distancing should be shot.
Cox, who claims to be running on a platform opposed to both traditional political parties, replied to Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire earlier this week on Twitter, who suggested that COVID is here to stay and that people should just live their lives “while you can.” This was not appreciated by Cox, who launched into a violent tirade on Twitter. “Whenever anyone says ‘we all die from something’… to justify not taking precautions to help protect others in this pandemic, we should be allowed to shoot them,” Cox tweeted. “Why are you crying? We all die from something. For you, it’s that bullet in your gut.”
Walsh in response called his response “psychotic,” to which Cox attempted to defend his tweet, which he pinned on top of his Twitter profile at the time of writing, as simply being a case of “self-defense,” ensuring that he was “defending his loved ones” by speaking about his right to shoot anyone he saw as affecting the health of those he cared about.
Instead of defending his admission on Twitter post, Cox instead focused on “debunking” claims that he said anyone taking the vaccine should be shot. “It was about avoiding large gatherings, wearing masks, socially distancing, etc,” Cox wrote. “The tweet I quoted didn’t mention vaccines. I didn’t mention vaccines. Yet the narrative is that I said I want to shoot people who aren’t vaccinated,” he continued. However, Cox never specified as such in his initial tweet, and neither did Walsh, meaning until the clarification, it could be considered a fair interpretation.
Cox describes himself as a libertarian, but on the leftist side of the spectrum, specifically splitting himself from the Libertarian Party, saying on Twitter that he wouldn’t feel bad if Spike Cohen, the 2020 Libertarian VP candidate, died. Despite claiming that the real libertarians are not right-wing, he has also repeatedly retweeted many hard-left individuals, including those with a Communist hammer and sickle in their display name. Cox presents himself on his website as an independent non-partisan candidate, “not of the left or of the right,” despite that clearly not being the case.
This isn’t the first time that Cox has caused controversy on Twitter. In October last year, Cox hit the headlines for tweeting that he hoped that both President Donald Trump and Joe Biden died after they contracted COVID-19, although clarified that he didn’t want Melania to die, as she “seems nice.” He later bragged on his Facebook page that Newsweek “accurately reflected” his views.
National File reached out to Twitter before the publication of this article regarding Cox’s tweet and the fact he wanted many people, including users of their site, shot for engaging in lawful activities, asking the Big Tech platform if anyone had reported the tweet in question, and whether it violated any of their rules regarding violent threats or the glorification of violence.
In June of last year, conservative commentator Michelle Malkin was suspended for 12 hours for tweeting that “violent criminal looters should be shot.” National File has asked Twitter if there was any substantive difference between the two tweets, especially noting that Malkin’s tweet invoked the right of self-defence against persons and property from criminals, while Cox encouraged the killing of law-abiding, non-violent citizens. National File did not receive a response on any of the queries before the time of publication, but will update this article with any comment from Twitter.
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This guy is a clear danger to anyone he comes into contact with. Read the science on wearing masks and listen to Fuacis own words “that masks do very little other than make the mask wearer more comfotable because he or she believes that they are protected”. When people are forced to wear masks it is especially hard on the elderly as it cuts down on your oxygenation and that is dangerous. There has never been a credible study that says that masks work unless they are professional M-95 masks that are changed every four hours.
So true! I am a senior citizen with a number of health problems and when I had to wear a mask to shop when walking the aisles I would often begin to sweat after finding it hard to breath which never happened before the mask requirement. Thank God for the mobile carts at the store or I would have had to stop shopping.
Let me know when you find someone wearing the mask properly. Unless that is done, even with an N95 mask let alone the “face diapers” that 99.999% of the people are putting on various parts of their head, doesn’t work. It only makes paranoid and insecure people feel good. Read the peer reviewed studies in aerosol journals regarding carefully controlled studies and you will understand why masks don’t protect you from the virus and the 6 foot social distancing is another joke! Face masks should only be worn by ugly people
It doesn’t matter whether you wear it properly or not – masks are USELESS against this virus!! Or any virus for that matter!!
Did Cox take his idea from the master of extermination, Hitler.
We’re far better off executing such snotball leftists instead. This way they don’t have to worry about catching the disease.
If anyone deserves a bad end, it’s that bearded freak who runs Twitter.
Would he start his plan on Martha’s Vineyard? There was a very large gathering there recently and not a mask in sight. Have not heard one complaint from creepy Joe or any other liberal.
While they want us all to wear masks, they are bring in hundreds of thousands of Illegals (over 200K in July alone) and dropping them off in the dead of night in cities across the nation. (my guess is they are all conservative cites) They are not telling any offical in these cities) Many are positive for the virus.
Well well well, another nut job heard from. Hey cox, you want to kill us, remember this ,We will shoot back! At least another 150,000,000 million of us will ! You better go hide under back the rock you came from. You have willfully made yourself a target! If you are lucky you will survive until judgement day! I don’t think our Lord will give you a pass on your willful ignorance. Until then peace be with you! I personally will pray for your soul!
Absolutely correct!
The state medias are silent on this but right now at this time, there are 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors suing the CDC, the WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. The people running these orgs are lying about the true numbers of covid deaths. The amount of covid deaths have been greatly exaggerated They also knew that their PCR test was not accurate and even more. Their forced vaccine mandates are in Violation of all 10 Nuremberg Codes. What our leftist fascist government is doing to us the exact same thing that the Nazi’s did to the German people…..
Wow! He is a real piece of work! How about YOU go to jail for even saying something like this! That is an obvious THREAT!
Not if you’re a leftist! But if you’re a conservative, Republican, or libertarian who called for shooting a class of peaceful people, you’d likely be arrested or put in a straight jacket.
He’s a Leftist and Leftists are now running our country. This idea is mainstream in their mindset. Somewhere, Satan is smiling.
Gosh how I wish that someone would “execute” a take out of this slime ball Leftist Marxist really, really soon!
He’d have to stand in line – there’s a couple of hundred LIEberal scumbags ahead of him!!
Only one appropriate response to those willing to advocate shooting.
Yet Jesus, our Savior, didn’t advocate pacifism for all.
A retired military veteran
Do we get to shoot back?
I was going to say, he better not miss.
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The sad thing is that Steve Cox with his totally moronic ideas will probably be elected by the common moron Left!
by another fraud election!
Moron left is an oxymoron
Easier and cheaper just to execute that leftist dimwitted a.h….one shot, one bullet, job finished imho
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anyone want to bet this guy will win?
In Commiefornia yes he will win.
only if they have another fraudulent election, like the recall bullshyt vote!
EVERY election run by demoscum is a FRAUD!!!
His rights don’t usurp my right to choose to wear a mask or not, to vaccinate or not! He’d better make his first round a good one because I will shoot back!
This is why I don’t follow ‘twit yer’. They are far left & allow ‘MORONS’ like this to post. This guy is going to have a short political career!!!
As will I.
Is this not a terrorist threat? Of course it will never be prosecuted because we have no laws any more and anything goes in this Democrat run country where the elections no longer matter because your vote just does not count. We do not have a government we have a criminal cabal impersonating a government run by a COMMANDER-IN-THIEF, Joe Biden. We have become the joke of the world.
So we now know he is a total liar and left no doubt of it. We in this nation have hit herd immunity. Well known but can’t say it out loud. Give a vax and that person becomes a carrier themselves. Can still get covis and 16,000 people who recieve the so called vax has died. JUst as we got to herd immunity… our New Adminstration brought in 2 million people sick , not vaxxed , masked nothing and dumped first in Rep. States and now everywhere all over the country. Now more are coming even on a worse threat for sickness and Terrorism from Afganistan the leaked memo from the WhiteHouse stated 263 Americans rescued, our allies the are mostly lefy behind as well and yet the did bring 23,687 Afgan people while handing the Talban a list of Americans (they don’t know about) and of our Allies. Talban is hunting them now and for days door to door Shooting beating. This is America. If you are an American our Government doesn’t flying fig about you. Get it????
Does this sound like a threat to anyone else? It sure sounds like a threat to me. It also sounds like a perfect way to get rid of demoncrats legally once and for all. LOCK AND LOAD ITS TIME TO ROLL!!!
Doesn’t that mean shooting many Antifa and BLM demonstrators?
How about turning the threat around and but a bullet in Democrats like Cox etal.That would be justified by eliminating racists and hate
All communist democrat must be shot to save America!!
ALL we need to do is pass a law that ANY politician attempts to promote or pass an UNCONSTITUTIONAL bill – they get the DEATH PENALTY!! Maybe then they’ll actually abide by their Oaths of Office!! AND that will eliminate the asinine bills they are always trying to pass!!!
This is Mark of the Beast in Revalation go read it now
No it isn’t. Come on man, open the good book and read it. And if your leader is saying that,, change churches.. Are we getting close, you bet. Is this a precursor to it, you bet. But this is not it, not yet.
Try farting through a mask and see if it masks the smell? no? then what the hell good is it LOL
Along those lines of suxcox’ thinking, who here would “feel bad” if NUTsy pitosi died??? I would neither rejoice nor feel bad. And WHY should I? She’s no kin of mine. I DO believe she’s an evil anti American witch, but I have no emotional attachment to her.
I won’t shed a tear if ANY LIEberal scumbags die! They ALL deserve that! Just put a bounty on all LIEberals – “WANTED DEAD” The problem would be solved in less than 30 days except for the scum that would try to go underground at that point! LIEberal behavior is a sure sign of a LIEberal so they wouldn’t be hard to find!
This is just the kind of trash the Democrats are made of! They want to shoot Reublicans but don’t have any guns. Typical stupid ! He will probably die from all the vaccines he has taken.
hopefully, he is to freaking stupid to be breathing good air…if there is any left in Kalifornia!!
We need to go back a few years…all robbers wearing MASKS are shot on sight!!
These are the kinds of SICK PEOPLE these idiot citizens are putting in positions of political power! Really dangerous and sick!
Hey Steve, you stupid son of a bitch. Did you watch the 49dr football game played last night in SF.
At least 50,000 fans cheering on your team , which lost anyway even with the refs trying to screw Green Bay. Every F*ing one of them with no mask on.
Wish you were there. You could have killed all 50,000 worthless democrats wearing no masks and made our country better.
In fact get ready for the team’s next home game, you’ll get anotherchance.
You Fucking Dems are so hypocritical, no one listens to your bullshit anymore. You all need to be killed for your stupidity. Now that’s what should really happen to all the corrupt shitheads inCa.
Absolutely- start with Hollywood first And work ur waydown
Alec Baldwin already started.
So does this Democrat also want to murder all of the maskless illegal aliens slithering across our southern border? And does this mass murdering psychopath Democrat also want to execute all of those maskless celebrities who attend their many “I Love Me” gala’s?
NOT at all unlike the NAZI party, our own socialist party – the Democrats, are edging quickly to the point where they will demand that Christians, Jews, and people who still believe in freedom, wear a gold star on their clothing… before they usher them off to the gas chambers. If you’re a Democrat voter, you are a fool if you can’t see that your party is under the direct control of Satan himself. May God have mercy on your pitiful soul.
Don’t worry, most of those limp wrist idiots would shoot themselves trying to figure out how to fire & gun. Besides, WE SHOOT BACK!!!
I am very afraid it is going to come to that. The left is the new KKK. Remember the king wisard was in the Democrat Party at one time. The KKK will be coming after the unmasked, so stay armed at all times. They just went after Mike Lindell in S. Dakota. And you know damn good and well they were sent there by the Democrat Party.
The left never left the KKK.
Boy you are absolutly right. That is exactly where the Left has gone. They have already started with the 1/6 protesters. If our RePUSSYcans will not get all of those people released they are even more worthless. And shows just who’s side they are on. You Idiots on the Left that do not see your Party is taking your rights away are fools. The Mask was first, then it was the vaccine, then a second shot, then you need a booster, then you find out if you got the vaccine you still have to wear a mask. This whole PANDIMIC is all a BULLSHIT LIE. There are all sorts of sports going on every week and i see very very few masks at any. And do you see people dying, lined up at Hospitals, the Homeless seem to be doing fine. This whole thing was released just in time to control the election and now drag this crap out for almost two years. Every problem we have right now has been caused by this NAZI Democrat Party and they are doing it all on purpose to destroy America my HOME. If anyone votes for another Democrat they are putting more nails in our COFFIN. Then we have to go after the RINO’S in the RePUSSYcan Party also. The whole D.C. is infected with Communism.
No, all left wing fascists should be legally shot on sight since they are communist sympathizers wanting to ruin our great country. No penalty since this is no different than killing rabid dogs.
You are right. Because that is exactly what they want to do to us the HEALTHY People.
What is wrong with these people? It is like their soles have been taken over by Satin. Why is it just in the last year so many people have this Idea if you are not Vaxed , you are going to kill everyine you meet. These people have been completely Brainwashed. This sounds just like what the NAZI’S did to the jews. They got people to hate them just because they were jews. I will never get the vax because the side effects are showing up all over and they are not good. And we still have no idea about any longer term effects. NO WAY!
EVIL IS AS EVIL DOES!! Let’s face it, LIEberals are as evil as one can get short of a direct transplant to hell!!
He’s an asshole. I’d say he’s a shoe in.
Prime example of how much of the hate and racism, these so called democrat leaders, aka Squad , Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Obama and wife, Soros, Clinton’s, and others with help of their fake media has done to our country. They have divided our country so bad and brought back racism to the 1960’s again.
This also shows we have let too many people from others countries in ours without vetting good enough or at all and they bring their ideologies from their countries completely different from our rules, customs and beliefs.
At this point, I say we let the ILLEGALS stay and we throw the LIEberal scum out instead since THEY are the REAL PROBLEM!!
Steve how about starting with you, you arent wearing a mask dude. and by the way what a nut case you are,
I LIKE this IDEA!! THE LIEberal scumbags who thought it up will be the first morons to die!!
The silly thing is, he probably wants all gun ownership banned for all citizens…(except for him, of course, because he is better than you!)
one of his own kind will more than likely take him out…lol
Wake up people this is exactly what the Nazi’s did and they killed MILLIONS of Jews before anyone stopped it. This is also why you never give up your guns. Look at Austrailia now they were stupid enough to surrender theirs and now they are being forced into these so-called Covid Camps and will die in probably die in them. And now all of a sudden they are reporting Masks do not work, the Vaccine does nothing, the boosters are even making cases worse. LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES nothing the governemnt has forced on us has any real proof of stopping anyone from getting Covid or the Omicron or any of the supposed new strains they claim are out their. Again LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES as long as our media will get the lies going they are in complete control of the SHEEP!
Socialists are that way.
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Working in a concentration camp?
C’mon man! Socialists don’t like to waste bullets, gas works more efficent. The unvaxxed can be made to wear a yellow six pointed star, for easy identification. Hey, it worked in the last century.
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