Shinzo Abe Assassinated with Homemade Shotgun ⋆ Those who wish to do harm will find a way to do harm. ⋆ Flag And Cross

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Much of the world awoke on Friday morning to shocking news:  Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan, was dead.

Abe was at an outdoor speaking engagement when a gunman prowled to a vantage point behind the influential politician and pulled the trigger twice. 

The 67-year-old was blasted in the neck and chest in the vicious killing which has shocked the world.

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And a photo taken moments before he died shows Abe stepping up to a podium with the suspect staring at him.

Details of the weapon were unusual.

Minutes after the photo was taken, the shooter unleashed a homemade shotgun and fired twice – fatally wounding the ex-PM.

The investigation is ongoing, but some details have been made public.

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The motives for his murder remain unclear, but police captured suspect Yamagami Tetsuya, 41, after the shooting in Nara, Japan.

Tetsuya, who formerly served in Japan’s navy, lives locally and cops have since discovered a possible explosive device in his home.

Japan’s gun control restrictions are some of the most extreme in the world today, which is surely what necessitated the use of a homemade firearm by this crazed figure.

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