A Two Year Old Girl Went Missing For Days, The Way She Was Found Is Absolutely…

I can’t imagine what a parent goes through when their child goes missing. It’s every parent’s worse nightmare as all kinds of scenarios must play out in their head, all the while having no answers. When two-year-old girl Charlee Campbell disappeared from her grandmother’s home, everybody was frantically searching the Kentucky countryside. As day turned […]

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This Letter A Mom Wrote To Her Thirteen Year Old Child Was EPIC Tough Love….

Every teenager experiences an “autonomous” stage. Even for a single parent, instances of contempt and disregard can seem utterly overpowering at the moment. It may be simple to joke about them in a few years. Due to a “tough love” letter she sent to her son last week, a mother by the name of Heidi […]

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If You Have This Popular Cereal In Your House You Need To Throw It Away Immediately…

The end of the rainbow may not have a pot of gold—but a pot of something entirely different. Thousands of people have been reported getting sick after eating General Mills’ iconic sugary cereal Lucky Charms, experiencing symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The illnesses have left many wondering if the latest lineup of charms includes […]

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She Walked Into The Amusement Park Nearly Naked, What Security Did To Her Is…

The drama at Six Flags Oklahoma City has taken another twist after the park has responded to allegations it removed a guest over her shorts. Bailey Breedlove claimed that she was asked to leave the park because her shorts were “too short” after her encounter with cops at the park went viral. Bailey explained in […]

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She Has Been Married Eleven Times, And She Just Explained It All To…

For many people, marriage means a life-long commitment and an unassailable promise. However, there are also some who are addicted –not to their partner, but to the very idea of marriage. One such woman is Monette Dias, based in Utah, who recently appeared on the TLC show Addicted To Marriage where she opened up about […]

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