An investigation is underway in Post Falls, Idaho, after someone hung a racially charged sign over Interstate 90 last month. A local human rights group believes they traced the sign back to neo-Nazis.
On November 25 the Post Falls Police Department arrived on the scene to remove the professionally printed sign hanging over the interstate that read, “NO WHITE GUILT!”
While Captain Greg McLean would not comment on the motivation behind the sign, he did say that hanging a sign on a bridge without proper permission is against the law and perpetrators would get hit with a misdemeanor.
Motorists passing by could see a heavy police presence around the sign and Idaho State Police were also in the area investigating a separate matter at the same time. According to Captain John Kempf of ISP, a vehicle had been reported stolen and just happened to be in the same general area.
The executive director of the Human Rights Education Institute in Coeur d’Alene, Jeanette Laster, says the language behind the sign can be traced back to a San Antonio-based leader of a neo-Nazi movement, an individual known as “The Hammer.”
“The Hammer” is known to use Telegram, a popular online networking forum. Laster said people can purchase “NO WHITE GUILT!” signs for $30 each on the app and hang them at the buyer’s discretion.
Laster wanted to make it clear, “These are bad people. These are not people sticking up for white individuals like they claim to. This is a campaign sponsored by neo-Nazi promoting a far greater white supremacy movement that has no place here in North Idaho.”
“There’s a difference between feeling guilty, and opening your heart, listening and understanding,” Laster explained. “Society often associates guilt with a crime or a sin. But in actuality, it is not a feeling of guilt. It’s a feeling of sadness, anger or remorse. We need to understand the difference in these feelings in order to support problem-solving.”