Hundreds Of Law Enforcement Officers Are About To Lose Their Jobs

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Over the course of the last several years, American police officers have faced a deluge of diminishment, thanks to the ever-devolving view of law enforcement being exuded by the liberal left and the mainstream media.

This has, of course, been exacerbated by video evidence shared through social media that depicts some bad apple officers committing some seriously heinous actions.

As the nation reacted, a great many police officers from coast to coast walked off the job, fearing that this newfound lack of respect for their position could lead to a more dangerous workplace.

In Seattle, however, it’s not the anti-cop attitude that has hundreds of members of the force considering walking away…it’s the coming vaccine mandate.

Some 200 Seattle police officers may lose their jobs due to their resistance to getting vaccinated against COVID-19 or handing over personal medical data, according to a report.

That represents about 20 percent of the department’s deployable staff and the ailing agency has already lost 300 cops following last year’s push to defund law enforcement organizations, KTTH conservative talk radio host Jason Rantz reported Monday.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced a sweeping order in August requiring most state employees to get vaccinated by Oct. 18 or face termination. Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan put out a similar mandate for city employees, including police officers, the Seattle Times reported last month.

Local law enforcement groups were incensed.

Hours later, the Seattle Police Officers Guild said Durkan did not consult the union before ordering the mandate while noting that the police department was already mired in a “staffing crisis” that has partly contributed to an uptick in crime.

“Given this crisis, which in part resulted in an alarming crime wave, can Seattle now endure more losses of police officers due to Mayor Durkan’s vaccination order?” the union said in an Aug. 9 statement.

Vaccine mandates have been an extremely hot topic in the United States of late, with many Americans declaring that their bodily sovereignty supersedes the whims of the government.

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