DOJ’s Lies About Pence & Harris’ Roles In 1/6 ‘Insurrection’ Exposed … This Changes Everything!

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Well, well, well, I hate to say it but it comes as NO surprise that the Department of ‘Justice’ appears to have gotten caught YET AGAIN lying to the world, and most importantly, their bosses, the American people.

The United States’ government has slowly boiled the proverbial frog when it comes to lying to the public.  In the last 10 years or so (well, really since their inception) the so called ‘Department of Justice’ and their G-men in the FBI, have burnt their credability to a crisp.

Now, there is no question that the events of January 6th provide plenty of blame to go around.  There are many who are trying to completely absolve those of us on the right out of ANY responsibility for the s*** show that was January 6th.

Now, while I do not think that the ‘right’ was SOLELY to blame for the travesty that was 1/6, that is not to say that our side had NO blame for the events of that fateful day.  There were def bad actor from our side that caused plenty of trouble on 1/6.

HOWEVER, we should have been MUCH SMARTER, we should have seen this coming a mile away.  I admit that I was so singularly focused on getting REAL, UNBIASED, investigators to look into the results of the 2020 election, that I missed the fact that the rally on 1/6 was setting up the perfect set of circumstances for the so called ‘Deep State’ to completely demonize Trump supporters and create the story line that we had ‘stormed the Capitol’ and organized an ‘insurection’.

In hind sight it could not be more clear, we walked right into that trap.  We took the bait, hook, line and sinker.

So there is plenty of blame to go around and the more we learn about that day and the players that were involved, NO ONE seems to have escape 1/6 without some dirt under their finger nails.  Not the right, not the left and certainly not the United States Government.

The lies that the government told the American people are over the top, way, way, way over the top and they are getting exposed … BIGLY.  For instance …

Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit reported:

“In its cases against Trump supporters who were in or near…


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