With the January 6th select committee continuing to trudge through their made-for-TV hearings, (produced by a former ABC television executive, no less), the committee is beginning to act a bit drastically.
The group seems hellbent on affecting the outcome of the 2024 election by imbuing Donald Trump with some sort of manufactured legacy; a narrative that they’ve been dominating the news cycles with as Trump remains tethered to Truth Social.
Now, as some within the committee are openly suggesting that the former President should face criminal charges, one of the group’s first litigious targets is tangling with the DOJ again.
The Department of Justice asked a DC judge on Friday to reject Trump ally Steve Bannon’s request to delay his contempt-of-Congress trial, arguing that the January 6 hearings have not revolved around him to the point of distraction.
On Wednesday, Bannon’s lawyers asked a DC judge to delay his July 18 trial, citing a “media blitz” from the public January 6 committee hearings and saying the request was “due to the unprecedented level of prejudicial pretrial publicity.”
DOJ lawyers said that Bannon is not as popular as he thinks he is.
“The Defendant’s motion gives the false impression — through general statistics about the volume of viewership of the Committee’s hearings and overall media coverage of the Committee’s hearings — that all of the Committee’s hearings and the attendant media coverage is about him,” DOJ lawyers wrote in a filing on Friday. “The truth is just the opposite — the Defendant has barely been mentioned in the Committee’s hearings or the resulting media coverage of them.”
Bannon’s contempt charge exposed an entrapment scheme being perpetrated by the committee, who would refuse to allow subpoenaed witnesses to await a ruling on matters pertaining to executive privilege before taking legal action.
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