Comey’s House Should Have Been RAIDED After Intel Leak

News For You

Chris Farrell, Judicial Watch’s Direct of Investigations, is absolutely right when he stated that James Comey’s home should have been raided after HE ADMITTED to leaking intelligence himself! WHAT IS THAT!

Appearing with Lou Dobbs, he said “It’s clear the FBI director was taking instructions from Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Clearly, the attorney general was giving him talking points and he literally adopted them.”

Comey admitted to sending memos and details “to a friend” to be released to the media after a Trump tweet which Comey took as threatening.

He outed himself there and thus far it seems nothing has been done.

As written for by Matthew K. Burke:

About Comey’s admitted leaking and the bombshell announcement that then-Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch ordered Comey to downplay the FBI’s “criminal investigation” against Hillary Clinton to only just being a “matter,” as to sound more innocent with American voters, Chris Farrell told Lou Dobbs:

“It’s clear the FBI director was taking instructions from Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Clearly, the attorney general was giving him talking points and he literally adopted them. 

This admission today is stunning. I would argue that Mr. Comey’s notes are the property of the United States government and that he absconded with them. 

Frankly, if I were the attorney general, about 20 minutes after his confession today in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Deputy U.S. Marshals would have raided his home and office, as well as Mr. Richman at Columbia Law School.” 

 The “Mr. Richman at Columbia Law School” Farrell is referring to is Columbia professor Daniel C. Richman, the “good friend” Comey leaked an FBI memo to, according to his sworn testimonywhile being questioned by Sen. Susan Collins on Thursday.

Comey admitted that he leaked the memo after his firing, telling Richman to give it to the press in order to spur a special prosecutor in the phony Trump-Russia collusion narrative created by the Democrat Party and the Democrat Media Complex with no evidence to support the accusations.

Judicial Watch Top Investigator: Comey’s House Should be Raided by U.S. Marshals After Outing Himself as a Leaker [VIDEO]


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