Charlie Spiering Says CNN Is Part Of “Swamp” Trump’s Been Draining

News For You

Charlie Spiering, Breitbart’s Chief White House Correspondent, stood his ground against CNN’s Jim Acosta when Acosta said Wednesday that “the media should get along even if they have ideological differences.”

“I’d love for all of us to get away from this day where we’re just ripping each other apart because of political differences,” Acosta said on a panel at the Newseum focused on the press coverage of the presidency. “I think good people can disagree on the issues and it’s time for good people to disagree in a civil way about how the news is covered in this country.”

“Right, but it’s part of the establishment,” Spiering responded. “It’s part of the swamp that, you know, the Trump supporters were very sick of.”

And he’s entirely right. This is why we voted Trump in. Despite his past, the TV deals, the business stuff. He wasn’t the norm, and that’s what we wanted. It’s admirable, at least, for Jim Acosta
to at least state what he did. Sometimes I do wish we had more unbias news reporting. But at least companies like Brietbart and Fox News are transparent. They know they’re right-leaning media companies. Companies like CNN, however, to me… still have trouble seeing the forest for the trees.

“This is why our readers are so comfortable with the president describing the media as the opposition party,” Spiering said. “They’re getting most of their talking points — a good portion of their sources — from their Democratic friends.

Breitbart Chief WH Correspondent Confronts CNN Reporter on Media Bias: ‘Part of the Swamp Trump Supporters Were Sick of’


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