Celebrities Create Intolerable Pro-Immigration Video

News For You

This is as cringe-worthy as anything you could think of… these celebrities who have failed time and again to influence elections and the Liberal agenda are at it again with a new music video titled “Immigrants (We Get The Job Done)”… you can guess what it’s about.

As written for The Daily Caller by Katie Jerkovich:

Hamilton’s Daveed Diggs appears alongside rappers Knaan, Residente, Riz MC and Snow Tha Product in the six-minute long video that shows shots of immigrants working as farm laborers and in sweat shops, along with clips of people coming through parts of a torn fence.

The video directed by Tomas Whitmore and executive produced by Miranda comes on the heels of Miranda’s “Ham4all” contest that encourages people to donate $10 to an immigrants rights coalition and post videos of themselves singing “Hamilton” songs for a chance to win tickets when the show opens in Los Angeles in August.

Celebrities Create Pro-Immigration Music Video


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