Bezos Burns Biden with Scorching Inflation Tweet ⋆ OUCH! ⋆ Flag And Cross

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There are no shortage of Americans who are furious with the White House over their perceived inaction on inflation, particularly as the Biden administration continues to try to pass the buck and play the blame game within the media.

For instance, President Joe Biden has made a number of mismatched statements on the nature of the price of gasoline, attempting to distance that suddenly-troubling expense from inflation itself.  In speeches over the last few weeks, the Commander in Chief has suggested both that gas prices were high on account of Russia’s war in Ukraine, but also that American gas station owners should arbitrarily lower their prices.

That latter suggestion did not sit well with Jeff Bezos. Inc. founder Jeff Bezos criticized a tweet from US President Joe Biden calling for oil executives to reduce gasoline prices.

Bezos was responding to Biden’s criticism of companies running gas stations and setting prices for consumers. “This is a time of war and global peril,” the president tweeted on Saturday. “Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now.”


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The online marketplace magnate did not hold back.

Bezos tweeted on Saturday night: “Ouch. Inflation is far too important a problem for the White House to keep making statements like this. It’s either straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics.”

The average price of gasoline recently peaked at an all-time high of over $5.00 per gallon in the United States, but has since waned just slightly to around $4.80 per gallon at the time of this writing.

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