Antifa “Self Defense” Video Is Hilariously Cringe-worthy

News For You

WOW! This is… well… ok so an Antifa (Anti First Amendment) group out of Chicago called the Haymaker Collection (LOL WHAT?!) has began raising money using the social platform Indiegogo for an “anti-fascist, anti-sexist, anti-racist” “self-defense gym”…

From their Indiegogo page, they endeavor to create “a space where people, regardless of ability, can learn the skills they need to stay safe in Trump’s America.” They are seeking to “create a space where femmes and people of color can train to strike back.”

“Haymaker is an autonomous gym that is starting up in Chicago”, said one guy with a ponytail. “The aim is to establish more networks of self-defense.”

“We’re trying to develop self-defense skills in a political climate that is increasingly violent, especially towards marginalized people, people who are not in power, the poor, the oppressed”, said another man.

“A lot of people think that when you learn how to fight it’s all about being aggressive and learning about how to go start fights with people. That’s not what we’re about at all,” said another trainee.

Anyway, just watch the video… and comment telling us what you thought!

As reported by CS Monitor:

Q: What is antifa?

Antifa (pronounced either AN-tifa or an-TEE-fa), is short for anti-fascist or anti-fascist action. It refers to a loose collection of far-left-leaning and anti-racist groups, networks, and individuals. The majority are anarchists, but affiliates range from far-left factions, including socialists and communists, to citizens spurred to action by the election of President Trump and upset by what they perceive as state support for white nationalism. Uniting them is a “desire to directly and even physically confront white supremacists in the public square,” says Mark Pitcavage, senior research fellow at the nonprofit Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Q: Where do they come from?

Antifa strategies draw from the clashes between militant leftists and fascists in the streets of Germany, Italy, and Spain in the 1920s and ‘30s, writes Peter Beinart for The Atlantic. “Their conviction is that the Nazis never would’ve taken power in Germany, and similar movements wouldn’t have taken power elsewhere, if people hadn’t ceded the public square to them,” Mr. Pitcavage says.

The idea saw a resurgence in the 1970s and ’80s, when skinheads and neo-Nazis began to penetrate the punk scene in both Europe and the United States. German anti-fascists in the 1980s gave the term its modern connotation, while the Anti-Racist Action Network – a similarly deregulated association that was influenced by anarchist principles – became, in the ’80s, ’90s, and early 2000s, the core of antifa in the US, said Mark Bray, author of “Antifa: The Antifascist Handbook,” in an interview with the book’s publisher, Melville House.


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