You Won’t Believe What The IRS Is Now Considering Income

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There is little doubt that Americans are sick and tired of the IRS.

The organization, which has the unenviable task of collecting our taxes, has drawn more than its fair share of criticism over the years, largely due to the overwhelmingly negative view that Americans have for taxes in general. This was a nation founded on the idea that we shouldn’t be paying extra for tea via taxation, and decided to pick a fight with the world’s most powerful military on account of it.

Being annoyed by taxes is fairly well ingrained in our DNA.

And that’s why the latest request by the Internal Revenue Service has so many of us piping mad.

Several posts displaying the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) guideline requiring taxpayers to report stolen goods as income went viral this week, leading to an array of online speculation as to the practical consequences of the requirement as well as references to the recent wave of mass lootings.

The IRS requires U.S. citizens to list goods they stole during the year on their federal income tax returns, something which proved news for many after a series of viral posts set off a Twitter storm on Tuesday.

It was hard to avoid sarcasm in response.

One post, which received nearly 25,000 likes as of Tuesday night, served as a tongue-in-cheek reminder for taxpayers to report illicit income ahead of the coming tax season, which begins next week.

“Remember to report your income from illegal activities and stolen property to the IRS,” the post reads.

Perhaps this ridiculous assertion shouldn’t come as such a surprise, given that this is the same organization that knows how much you owe them every year, but will penalize you if the professional tax accountant you hired doesn’t come to the same conclusion as they did.

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