Trump’s Big Online Purchase Is Part Of The Effort To Reopen The Country

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If you weren’t an online shopping addict before the nationwide lockdown, you probably are now. And unless you’ve been living on another planet for the past ten years you know that Amazon is the biggest online retailer in the world.

In what may now be the biggest Amazon purchase of all time the White House placed an order for $12.8 MILLION worth of infrared thermometers from Jeff Bezos’ business. According to the government, this is in preparation for the grand reopening of America after COVID-19 brought the country’s economy to a screeching halt.

Forbes says, officially, the contract was handed out by one of the U.S. agencies central to the COVID-19 response known as the Federal Emergency Management Agency. However, upon closer inspection of the contract description, the payment for the huge Amazon order came straight from President Trump’s office.

Specifically, the description reads, “White house order for infrared thermometers in support of the COVID pandemic. A purchase card is being used as a payment mechanism.”

According to a FEMA spokesperson, the Amazon purchase was made by Trump in preparation to kickstart the reopening of the country. When asked about the nature of the Amazon contract the spokesperson said,  “The White House Task Force has a broad plan to begin setting conditions for enabling the careful and deliberate opening of America.”

He added, “As a means to this end, acquisition of key components to ensure our nation’s economic and critical infrastructure sectors can return to work is to secure equipment that will help ensure opening America is conducted with appropriate means to monitor and conduct surveillance of various workplaces and infrastructure settings.”

While the President has encouraged states to open, he has still given out guidelines on how to do so safely. Although many Americans show some concern, Trump has plans to ease those concerns by sending all 50 states COVID-19 tests. The Amazon purchase of thermometers appears to be part of these testing kits.

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