Trump Clearly Appreciates Veterans!

News For You

I shouldn’t get surprised by the POTUS by now but after 8 years of political train-wrecks it’s nice to see a President who genuinely appreciates this country. President Trump recently traveled to Walter Reed Medical Center to present a Purple Heart award to Alvaro Barrientes who was wounded in Afghanistan in March of this year. His injuries required part of a leg to be amputated.

The ceremony was described as “nothing flashy” but “full of integrity” by Gab editor David Page.

The Purple Heart is given to soldiers and service members who are wounded or killed in action protecting this country. It’s a way to let our heroes know that all of America, everyone of us, are thankful for their service and their sacrifices. It’s a job most folks couldn’t handle and everyone of them deserves the highest respect. This is a small piece of that.

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