Rubio Sounds The Alarm: China Is One Step Closer To Taking Over The U.S.

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We have been lucky that all of our greatest adversaries have been across the ocean. So we could choose when to enter war since it hasn’t been at our doorstep. But that may all change now since Nicaragua has kicked Taiwan out of their country in order to appease China.

The Chinese don’t say, ‘We want to take over Latin America,’ but they clearly set out a multidimensional engagement strategy, which, if successful, would significantly expand their leverage and produce enormous intelligence concerns for the United States,” U.S. Army War College research professor Evan Ellis, a former member of the State Department policy planning staff, told the Washington Examiner.

Chinese officials outlined their ambitions following a summit with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. This intergovernmental forum was launched in 2011 under the auspices of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who wanted a venue to rival the Organization of American States and challenge U.S. influence in Latin America, and it now stands to furnish Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping with a platform to gather a coalition of leftist and authoritarian leaders congenial to Beijing’s interests.

“The Chinese Communist Party and government are actively looking to strengthen their ties throughout the Western Hemisphere, in particular with anti-American elements,” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a senior Senate Intelligence Select Committee Republican, said in a statement to the Washington Examiner. “Beijing is seeking to surpass the United States in every sector, and we must take this threat seriously.”

Senator Rubio weighed in on how dangerous it is that Nicaragua is now pandering to China.

“The Ortega-Murillo regime sees the CCP as a better ideological ally than the U.S. because Ortega’s long list of crimes and human rights violations are of no concern to the genocidal regime in Beijing,” he wrote in an op-ed published Tuesday. “Ortega also wants continued Chinese funding for the construction of an Atlantic-to-Pacific canal through Nicaragua, which People’s Liberation Army warships can then use to access the Caribbean.”

If things proceed and China were to get a real foothold in Central America, they would be way too close for comfort if war broke out. China and Russia, as it is, are trying to become more self-sufficient and want to form relationships with countries that are anti-American or have no affiliation. This would never have happened on Trump’s watch.


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