Piers Morgan says Egypt Attack “Ought to Be Dominating Cable News”

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I don’t always agree with the man but he has a point here. Maybe not dominating, so to speak, but more coverage might be nice. We got a lot going on in our world, and this is included. Morgan went on to say that the Coptic Christians deserve more media attention. TIN FOIL HAT ALERT! Wonder if he’s trying to deflect?

Morgan said that as a Catholic he is concerned for Pope Francis, who will travel to Egypt in a few weeks.

He said the pope is ISIS’ top target in their stated “war on the cross.”

Of course I disagree with him when he states American media seems to not care about the attack. I mean… we got stuff going on too, man. And it’s getting covered. The Syrian attack is sort of a big deal, too. But again, I don’t entirely disagree with him on certain points about this.

Piers Morgan: Egypt Attack ‘Ought to Be Dominating Cable News’

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