Jordan Sekulow, an attorney for the Trump team and current executive director for the American Center for Law and Justice, tweeted a special article from the Buffalo Chronicle hinting that Skinny Joey Merlino, rumored leader of the Philly mob, may potentially be ready to turn on operatives of the Democratic party in exchange for complete eradication of his criminal record that spans years.
An insider states that Merlino is potentially prepared to flip on Joe Biden, as well as the operatives of the Pennsylvania party who requested over 300,000 ballots that were marked for Biden.
According to 100% Fed Up,
It’s thought that Democratic Party operatives working inside Philadelphia’s election office provided Merlino with crates of raw ballots just hours before polls closed on election night, which he transported to two private households in South Philadelphia. By 10 p.m. that night Merlino’s operation was already generating more than 3,000 ballots per hour, which quickly scaled to more than 6,000 ballots per hour before midnight.
But now, Merlino might just be willing to flip on Biden — in primetime Congressional testimony — if President Donald J. Trump is willing to issue the longtime mobster a full expungement of his decades-long criminal record. And, of course, Merlino wants to be pardoned for the election fraud itself and any crimes to which he may incriminate himself during his testimony.
Follow all leads #Elections2020 EXCLUSIVE: How a Philly mob boss stole the election — and why he may flip on Joe Biden:
— Jordan Sekulow (@JordanSekulow) November 16, 2020
Merlino is said to have worked in conjunction with a team in efforts to produce these ballots. It is important to note that he did not do this for free, but rather was given $10 per each ballot, adding up to a profit of over $3 million in total.
Upon the ballots being produced, they were then delivered to a convention center in Philadelphia.
Corruption is rampant in the U.S. Don’t listen to the media or the Democrats who say that election fraud isn’t a concern…it’s a major concern.
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I quit working at shoprite and now I make $65-85 per/h. How? I’m working online! My work didn’t exactly make me happy so I decided to take a chance on something new… after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn’t be happier. Here’s what I do…>>
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Let’s get his testimony completed under his conditions.
If Merlin can substantiate the allegations of fraudulent ballots beyond a shadow of doubt, as well as finger the people who hired him, he should be granted a pardon.
Bout gd time
yr old article. he dead yet?
Get him in court and on record before he sleeps with the fishes.
This is old news! I’m sure Joe Biden would jump at the chance to pardon this guy!
NOTE: We old cops just love these stories. They just reinforce the confession/lessons learned presented below. By the way, I once had Joe Biden, Billy Clinton, and many other politicians/bureaucrats during the Carter administration up to their necks in the international drug trade and money laundering,; but instead of taking a drip in the ocean I sold you out for a promotion and a soft staff assignment. Soldier/Cop/Mercenary, Retired
This article provides just another example of what’s happening in America that reinforces the confessions/lessons learned first presented in 1989 to the citizens of an old soldier/cop’s community while he was serving as their police chief. The only real change in all the years since 1989 is that the average American is even more the victim of the barrages of propaganda being blasted on them by real time communications systems and the actions of corrupt/incompetent politicians, academicians, bureaucrats, and the media. Each group bent on driving the masses into nothing short of a world wide feudal system.
Soldier/Cop/Mercenary, Retired
In light of all the activities of the “Left/Progressives” and many other groups seemingly bent on destroying everything we cops and soldiers have/are ‘supposedly’ spent/spending ours careers and in far too many cases giving/gave our lives defending, can you guess which of the following confession/lessons learned were first presented to the public in 1989 by a soldier/cop/mercenary following 26 years in the army and in his third year as a civilian police chief?
A Soldier/Cop/Mercenary’s Confession/Lessons Learned
*Soldiers (ground combat soldiers, that is) do not fight first and foremost for their country, the flag, motherhood, girls back home, nor apple pie! Before all else, soldiers engaged in ground combat fight for their fellow soldiers and their unit. Why? Because in every war/police action/whatever including WWII the strategies and tactics adopted by mostly incompetent/corrupt military and civilian managers (notice I said managers not leaders) were designed to maximize the profits of the military/industrial/political complex with little regard for the those personnel charged with employing the same. In short, the American soldier has been nothing more than a “mercenary” since 1969 with the creation of the “All Volunteer Army (VOLAR)”. *The Seven C’s of Leadership according to a survey of 1646 Vietnam era ground combat veterans listed of the order of their importance (according to the vets) are; Candor, Competence, Consistency, Commitment, Courage, Compassion, and Courtesy. The reason the soldiers in the survey chose the word “candor” is because to them candor encompasses both omission and co-mission. To a combat soldier lack of absolute candor, be it co-mission or omission, are equal sins! In short, soldiers expect/demand absolute candor from their leaders before all else. Note: The democrats have proven they are masters of co-mission, while republicans have proven they are masters of omission!* The American people are the most effectively lied to people in modern times thanks primarily to politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, and the media.* Arrogance plus ignorance equals stupidity (A + I = S).* The greatest threats to the American people are the corrupt and/or incompetent politicians/bureaucrats/academicians found at every level of government/academia, and the majority of the American so-called media.* Most of the politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, and media types I have encountered during my years as a soldier/cop/mercenary I most kindly refer to as; self-serving, witless, cowards. Note: I originally refereed to the aforementioned folks as; “Self-serving, witless, cowardly, pissants!” After retiring to the deep woods I dropped pissants once becoming acquainted with the little guys; in that I learned pissants are not self-serving nor witless, and certainly not cowards!* The American Profession of Arms and our brothers/sisters in the Blue have failed to protect the American people from all of their enemies, both foreign and ‘most especially’ domestic.* There are only two primary requirements to be a career soldier and/or cop in America. One must be smart enough to do the work and dumb enough to take the job.* American soldiers and police officers must in addition to mastering all of their professionally mandated tasks learn to accomplish the same with at least one arm tied behind their backs and their vision impaired 50% or more.* After carefully watching the whole of the political class since May of 1960, I can say without reservation that most of the group will sell their souls and our bodies just to remain in power.* Want to see what the United States of America will look like if the left takes control of the government? Take your pick: New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, or the complete packages; California, New York, Illinois, etc, etc, etc…..* If the so-called Progressive movement continues unchecked a number of able veterans are going to be presented with a challenge/decision. Are the American people worth another drop of our sweat and/or our blood?* The end goal of the elites and their minions is not (nor ever has been) socialism, communism, or capitalism. The elites of world have used all manner of ideologies, religions, terrorism, brute force, etc. to drive the masses/peasants/serfs/whatever in one direction. That direction leads to one of the oldest forms of human control ever employed in the history of mankind. That form of human control is, Feudalism!
Soldier/Cop/Mercenary, Retired
I’m still unconvinced a damn thing will be done about their criminal activities.
Not as long as the CORRUPT LIEberal demoSCUM is in charge!!!
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Not to worry democraps. The Clinton Hit Squad will get him begore he can spill the beans.
So, since piglosi is connected to the Baltimore Md. MOB ,
will they be flipping on HER too ?
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This is old news. “President Donald Trump” can’t give anyone a pardon anymore. Stop peddling clickbait.
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ALL persons online working on official side
Get more detail and phone no chek this side………..
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If itss going to change things let him talk an let him free, after all he doesnt look as criminal as the ones biden has let out of prison.
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and why should we believe a life long mafia criminal? I dunno but the FBI has and continues to do the same and worse.
Mobsters live by a code, if he says he will flip, then he’s got dirt and he will flip.
I don’t know what Joey would get by his record being expunged. I think he’s doing fine without his record being expunged. I’m from Joey’s old neighborhood and I just don’t see Joey going public like this for what seems like a small win.
He KNOWS he will go down with all the Trump-Hating CORRUPT LIEberal scum! I wouldn’t want to be in prison with those a-holes either!!!
Hell the FBI was most likely in on it/instigsted it all anyway. Hmmm Hmmm.
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Look at it what I do…
show me a pay check stub.
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now you suck dork
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I make 5 grand an hour selling your kids crack !
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Doesn’t the fact that Merlino is asking for immunity from “President Trump” indicate that this “news” is a year old? If no action has been taken in the last year, why is it relevant now?
Dude, use your head, he can see the writing on the wall, bust democrats cuz he knows TRUMP is going to run and win in 2024
Bingo !
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truthfully, this actually this comes as no real surprise, anyone following the pre-election day polls and the election day results seeing the resuts had to wonder how biden could have possibly won! this coupled with all the other post election corruption that has been found makes it clearer why Trump followers have never really accepted the results!
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What else is new ? Fraud is the only way the party of the devil can win ! We know that Biden is not the legitament president any more then the muslim Obama was.
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Russian bitch Pelosi is behind it all. Hang her in the nearby tree.
It’s long over due !
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Google is presently paying $10447 to $13025 every month for working on the web from home. I have joined this activity 2 months back and I have earned $15248 in my first month from this activity. I can say my life is improved totally! Look at it what I do…
If he does, he’ll be dead soon.
Hillary’s hit squad will get to him first
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Merlino is still in charge? Old-time mobsters are spinning at 1000 rpm in their graves. I lived in Philly for about 35 years and watched all the mob crap when Angelo Bruno was hit. That started the mob did a lot of shooting but couldn’t do it straight. I remember some clown attempted to whack Harry the Hunchback who was about 5 feet tall and in a phone booth. Harry got the gun and turned the tables.
I’m NOT holding my breath waiting for that to happen!
IF it does, EVERY Democrat should be removed from office and permanently removed from politics!! It’s ONLY fair – they can’t be trusted at any level!!!
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“Working online….”On your back”?…{ Not “legal”…is it?}…’Certainly…not moral! :O{{{
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Could it be said: The *Demoncrat party has ties to the Mob?….{Been going on, since JFK’s father Joe Kennedy}, What more proof does one need? More, & more every Year, Politicians are infiltrating the Political scene, to degrade, & violate our Legal system in this country! Demoncrats, are probably “at the top” of this rotten heap!
This would be plausible if Killary commits Arkincide on this poster. She will if he talks.
Mobster. Not polster
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fb didn’t waste 1/10 of a second to state this was false. Could it be because he gave millions to PA so his minions could get into the servers and manipulate them? inquiring minds want to know. If fb says it is false, you can be reassured it is pretty close to the truth.
As far as the trolls. Is the commie biden admin paying you to sit in your basement to attempt to persuade people not to comment? I find it ironic and you see fat, dumb and happy you don’t realize that what is going on, is affecting you. I guess you just can’t fix stupid.
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[ JOIN US ] I get paid more than $45 to $95 per HOUR for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this I have earned easily $23k from this without having online working skills . Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site…
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My last pay test was $9500 operating 12 hours per week on line. my sisters buddy has been averaging 15k for months now and she works approximately 20 hours every week. i can not accept as true with how easy it become as soon as i tried it out. This is what do,……………………………..
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What it comes down to is that if the 2020 election fraud and theft was a murder trial, the perpetrator would be on death row. The evidence is that strong.
[ JOIN US ] I get paid more than $145 to $395 per HOUR for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this I have earned easily $23k from this without having online working skills . Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site… Here’s what I do…………>>> http://Www.NETCASH1.Com
You been saying this for all but a year now and no word from Philly boss . If he was going to he would of done it already . Stop repeating old stores just to see a store
[ Work at Home ] I get paid more than $90 to $100 per hour for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this I have earned easily $10k from this without having online working skills . Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site… Here is I started.…………>> http://Www.NETCASH1.Com
My last pay check was $8750 just ecom working 12 hours for every week. My neighbor have found the estimation of $15k for a long time and she works around 20 hours for seven days. I can not trust how direct it was once I tried it information……..
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My last pay test was $2500 operating 12 hours per week on line. my sisters buddy has been averaging 15k for months now and she works approximately 20 hours every week. i can not accept as true with how easy it become as soon as i tried it out.This is what do,………….. http://Www.NETCASH1.Com
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[ JOIN US ] I get paid more than $145 to $395 per HOUR for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this I have earned easily $23k from this without having online working skills . Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site… Here’s what I do…………>>> http://Www.NETCASH1.Com
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[ JOIN US ] I get paid more than $145 to $395 per HOUR for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this I have earned easily $23k from this without having online working skills . Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site… Here’s what I do…………>>> http://Www.NETCASH1.Com
BS! If true, everybody would be doing it. Go away, twit!
Amazing how these phny baloney ads come on to this article to try and water down the facts of a Stolen Election. This is done specifically to take away from the enormity of this voter fraud all over the nation, even in States where President Trump won, the fraud was rampant. Trump voters were just so massive that thset up algorythms couldn’t swing enogh frauded votes. This was also forensically proven in the Cyber Symposium.
These evil, corrupt, scum democrats accuse the Trump supporters of trying to over throw the government by pulling a coup, (don’t know if I spelled that right). But that is exactly what they did. They not only stole the election from Trump, but they stole from the election from the 90% of the American people who voted for him. That traitor biden, did not win the election and the whole world knows it. And I am so dam angry about it, I want it corrected. I am a former democrat and 100s more I know of left the corrupt democrat party years ago, some when that gay, fraud, muslim, obama went into our White House. Because of the nature of my work, I travel the world and everywhere I go people in other countries are angry that our election was stolen because citizens in other countries were benefiting from Trump being President, most of all, him destroying isis. See what is happening now under that traitor, biden?
I got $97450 up to now this year working on the online and I’m a full time student. I’AM profited. It’s really simple to know erf and I’m in order that cheerful that I got some answers regarding it. Here what I do…..
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I’ve been reading this story for a year. To date nothing has happened.
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My last pay test was $9500 operating 12 hours per week on line. my sisters buddy has been averaging 15k for months now and she works approximately 20 hours every week. i can not accept as true with how easy it become as soon as i tried it out.
This is what do,……………………………..
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I get paid more than $120 to $130 per hour for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this i have earned easily $15k from this without having online working skills…. This is what I do………
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Since I started with my online business, I earn $25 every 15 minutes. It sounds unbelievable but you won’t forgive yourself if you don’t check it out. Learn more about it here…
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Have hearing about mob boss flipping for a year now, it’s bullshit fake news for readers
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Since I started with my online business, I earn $25 every 15 minutes. It sounds unbelievable but you won’t forgive yourself if you don’t check it out. Learn more about it here…