New Evidence Proves President Biden Funded All Of His Son’s Dirty Business Deals

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When it comes to enriching oneself as a public servant, there is an embarrassment of opportunities available to our elected officials, and a plethora of streams to seed with their schemes.

Often, these representatives will also work to enhance their own wealth by including their families in their prosperity plots, with actual, honest-to-God nepotism on a global scale.

In the case of Joe Biden and his son Hunter, the pair was adamant that those paths never crossed, and no line in the sand was ever stepped over.

But new evidence tells a different story.

Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), said on Monday that his organization had confirmed that President Joe Biden “was a direct beneficiary” of Hunter Biden’s financial deals with foreign interests.

“We do have a copy, by the way, here at GAI of [Hunter Biden’s] laptop and all the files,” Schweizer said on the Sean Hannity Show. “It confirms that Joe Biden was a direct beneficiary.”

Schweizer explained how GAI cross-referenced Secret Service travel logs during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president to corroborate the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s emails.

Here are his comments:

GAI asked, “How can we demonstrate whether the emails are real?” … We already have, for example, Hunter Biden’s Secret Service travel records. They were released by Senator [Ron] Johnson’s committee. These are the official records that say the Secret Service traveled with Hunter to this location, to that location, etcetera.

So we asked, “Do the emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop correspond with the travel records? If our email references that [Hunter] is in Dubai on a certain date, does that line up with the Secret Service travel records? Absolutely, 100 percent.

So there is no question. Of course Hunter Biden hasn’t denied it. But there’s no question that the laptop emails that we have possession of are 100 percent accurate and correspond directly with existing material, and the information is devastating.

The mainstream media has largely ignored any story that has been fueled by the Hunter Biden laptop discovery, forcing these potentials conflicts of interest to the alternative media of the internet.

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