Mainstream Media Is Lying About Trump’s Lack Of Support

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The polls show growing disapproval for President Trump and that former Vice President Joe Biden is in the lead and his chances of beating Trump are looking good.

That is what the mainstream media wants you to think and it’s all lies. Now that President Trump has made the announcement to continue campaigning, people are swarming at the opportunity to see and support him.

Incredibly there have been over 1,000,000 requests for tickets to get into a Trump rally.

Joe Biden could never even dream of achieving numbers like that for an event.

Trump also had the largest single-day online fundraising donations ever made with a total of $14 million.

Previously President Trump had a rally scheduled a rally for June 19th, also known as Juneteenth. However, there was a lot of pushback to move it to the next day June 20th.

President Trump tweeted,

We had previously scheduled our #MAGA Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for June 19th – a big deal. Unfortunately, however, this would fall on the Juneteenth Holiday. Many of my African American friends and supporters have reached out to suggest that we consider changing the date out of respect for this Holiday, and in observance of this important occasion and all that it represents. I have therefore decided to move our rally to Saturday, June 20th, in order to honor their requests.

Already there have been rallies planned for Florida, Arizona, and North Carolina. Of course, the Democrats are going nuts over this and will do everything they can to put an end to these rallies. They have already attacked Trump for holding rallies during the pandemic but when it comes to massive protests and riots in the streets of cities across the country, they are silent.

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