A police officer was attacked and hit in the head with a “football-sized” rock by the suspect while responding to a report of a guy choking a woman. Despite the fact that the suspect’s deadly shooting was deemed “justified,” the county was compelled to make a sizable compensation payment to the suspect’s family.
After rescuing the incident, three Sacramento County deputies just shot an unarmed black man 28 times beside a busy Rancho Cordova roadway. The unarmed black man is Mikel McIntyre, whose family says that he was experiencing a mental health crisis when he was killed by deputies in May of 2017.

The incident happened when Officers from the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report that a man was choking a lady and trying to drag her from her car. When they arrived, they discovered 32-year-old Mikel McIntyre talking to his mother, Brigett McIntyre, in a department store parking lot. The call was allegedly the second notification of the man’s unusual behavior that police had received that day.
At the same address, incredibly EMS had also responded separately that day about an emotional-disturbed man.
According to the Sacramento Bee, McIntyre’s mother acknowledged that she had made two attempts that day to have her son placed on involuntary psychiatric detention but that he had not met the requirements. Sadly, she wouldn’t see him again while he was still alive.
McIntyre’s mother confirmed that she had attempted twice that day to place her son on an involuntary psychiatric hold but that he failed to meet the criteria for such an action, according to the Sacramento Bee. However, the man ends up shot to death, unfortunately, which is the last result anyone expects from seeking professional assistance in an emergency.
The official report states that a witness at the scene reported seeing “a white cop and a black male” physically struggling as the officer tried to arrest the suspect. In a Blue Lives Matter reports, the man who matched McIntyre’s description “broke free and then picked up a big piece of concrete and hit the officer in the head and chest with it,” the man confirmed. Wright had a severe head injury after being struck by an object, which turned out to be a big river rock.
“The rock was about the size of a football. The officer fell down and the black guy started running, I think the officer fired two shots at the black guy but I don’t think he hit him because he didn’t even break stride,” the witness told investigators.
Before running down the side of the highway to evade pursuing police officers, McIntyre made his way toward an overpass. But officers fired 28 rounds at him, striking him in the back, both arms, both thighs, and his head before a police K9 ultimately stopped McIntyre, as Dashcam footage showed.
However, McIntyre’s family didn’t accept the ruling. When it was concluded that the deputies’ actions and use of force were “justified,” because McIntyre was a threat to the public, as an investigation by Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert’s office states.
Sacramento County reached an out-of-court settlement with McIntyre’s family for $1.725 million following the filing of a wrongful death complaint. McIntyre’s mother continues to charge the police department with brutality as well as a cover-up even after reaching a settlement with the county.
Brigett said, “The witnesses were saying, ‘No, the police officer slipped and fell and hit his head.’ They both entangled and they both fell and my son got up and started walking away.”
She accused, “If I went out and murdered somebody and lied about it, wouldn’t I spend time in jail? Even if they could prove it or not, I would still have to spend time in jail. What makes them above the law?”
“It’s not right. It’s over excessive.”
The deputies were criticized by Inspector General Rick Braziel for firing an “excessive” and “unnecessary” number of shots. He dismissed McIntyre’s activities, claiming that since he was only carrying a sizable rock, he posed no real danger.
Allegations that the deputies used excessive force are denied by the DA’s office. McIntyre was shot because he posed “a considerable threat of death or serious physical injury to the officers and others,” according to the investigative report.
Mikel McIntyre’s mother now insists that her son never used physical force on her or Deputy Wright, and other witnesses support her assertions. As his family continues to speak out against the police department’s actions.
Unfortunately, the outcome has only widened racial disparities and exacerbated the narrative that there is systemic racism in our justice system. As the media has chosen to focus on a number of incidents involving a black suspect and a white police officer, including the deadly shooting.
Watch the video below for more details:
Sources: TapHaps, FOX40, Blue Lives Matter, Sacramento Bee