An Arrest Has Been Made in The Death Of Jeffery Epstein

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Tova Noel, one of Jeffrey Epstein’s prison guards that was supposed to be watching over him the night of his mysterious death, is starting to feel the heat from the Inspector General’s probe and is ready to spill the beans and tell everything she knows.

Noel and fellow guard Michael Thomas have been arrested and charged with criminal conspiracy “for allegedly fudging ‘count slips’ while failing for hours to check on Epstein and other inmates in the MCC’s ninth-floor Special Housing Unit,” according to the Post.

Only a week before his death Epstein had actually attempted suicide and had only been moved of suicide watch when Noel and Thomas decided to “goof off” that night instead of their assigned duties. When they returned to their post that morning Epstein was dead.

According to The Daily Wire,

Noel and her fellow prison guard Michael Thomas were arrested Tuesday and charged with criminal conspiracy and falsifying official records “for allegedly fudging ‘count slips’ while failing for hours to check on Epstein and other inmates in the MCC’s ninth-floor Special Housing Unit,” according to the Post.

Epstein had attempted suicide by hanging just a week before and had only recently been moved off suicide watch when Noel and Thomas decided to abrogate their duties and spend the evening “goofing off,” as the Post put it. When they returned to duty at 6:30 a.m. to deliver breakfast to the accused pedophile and child trafficker, they found him dead, hanging in his cell, having used strips of cloth ripped from his bedsheet to form a makeshift noose.
Maybe this guard will drop a bomb and blow this entire case up by saying someone had snuck in that night. Or maybe someone paid them off to make sure no one would be able to see someone come in and kill Epstein and then falsify the documents. Either way, this guard knows something and there is definitely more to this story that we’ve been told.


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