Insane Discovery In The Desert Leave People Scratching Their Heads

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There are many strange and mysterious places in America’s Southwest such as Roswell, New Mexico, Area 51, and Skinwalker Ranch. If you aren’t familiar with these locations, do a quick Google search and prepare to be creeped out.

Now, in a remote stretch of the Utah desert, a new strange discovery has social media clamoring to come up with an explanation.

A mysterious metal monolith was discovered in Utah after public safety officers spotted the object while conducting a routine wildlife mission.

A helicopter crew with the Utah Department of Public Safety Aero Bureau was assisting Wildlife Resources on Wednesday to count bighorn sheep in southeastern Utah, the department said.

Pilot Bret Hutchings said one of the officers spotted the object in a remote area of red rock — something that appeared to be a scene right out of “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

“He was like, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!’ And I was like, ‘What.’ And he’s like, ‘There’s this thing back there — we’ve got to go look at it!’” Hutchings told CNN affiliate KSL. “We just happened to fly directly over the top of it.”

While no one seems to know the origins of this strange structure those who saw the object in person think it could be some sort of new-age art piece.

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