Hysterical Mother Arrested After Treating Son Like This Over COVID Scare

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The MSM is scaring people. They are making people think the black death has hit our shores and we are all going to die. That’s why everyone needs a dose of reality and a friend to change the channel to actual news stations like OANN and FOX. But in this instance, a mother feared that her son had COVID, so they went to go get him tested. But she was so afraid of COVID that she refused to let him ride in her car. So she instead forced the teen to ride in the trunk instead.

The boy, who is only 13-years-old, was found in his mother’s trunk after she arrived at a testing site where she informed staff he was in there. She’s on administrative leave now. And she has a warrant out for her arrest according to reports:

“Sarah Beam has been charged with endangering a child. Cy-Fair ISD Police Department said a warrant has been issued for her arrest.

According to court documents, on Jan. 3, Beam pulled into the drive-thru testing site located at 11355 Falcon Road in northwest Harris County, when a witness reported hearing something in the trunk. The witness said when Beam unlatched the trunk, the boy was found lying down inside.

Court documents said the witnesses told Beam she would not receive a COVID test until the child was removed from the trunk and placed in the back seat of the vehicle. The witness then called police.”

Beam is an English teacher at Cypress Falls High School. She reportedly told police she put her son in the trunk to avoid possibly catching Covid-19 from him. She has been employed with Cy-Fair ISD since 2011. The school district issued a statement.

“CFPD was alerted that a child was in the trunk of a car at a drive-thru COVID-19 testing site earlier this week. Law enforcement conducted a full investigation, resulting in a warrant for arrest. Thankfully, the child was not harmed.”

Bevin Gordon, the district director of health services, was on site and was alerted by staff that the teen was in the teacher’s trunk. It was actually Gordon who called the police:

“A warrant for the teacher’s arrest was issued Wednesday. Online court records listed her as not in custody, though neither local police nor the district attorney’s office immediately responded to requests for confirmation.

Efforts to reach the woman were unsuccessful Friday and it isn’t clear if she has a lawyer.”

Watch The Clip Below. 

Poor kid would have died if she was rear-ended. This lady clearly cares more about her own life than her sons. But really if she was so scared she could have called 9-1-1 or had someone else drive him. I guess the kid is lucky she didn’t tie him down to the roof…


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