House-Rep Elect Finds A Hilarious Loophole Around Ludacris COVID Restrictions

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The are many state and local officials making fools of themselves right now with all of these new ridiculous COVID-19 regulations. Make no mistake, precautions should be taken but the government seems to be taking it just a little too far and some people are even questioning if officials really believe in what they are telling us.

We know that this is exactly the case for the Mayor of Denver who doesn’t practice what he preaches. So how many other officials could be doing the same thing?

One Houe Rep-elect is attempting to reveal the absurdity of it all with a “turkey funeral” in lieu of a Thanksgiving meal.

Incoming Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, an anti-big government Republican who previously defied local shutdown orders, said she’s finding a creative way to bypass Colorado’s Thanksgiving gathering restrictions by having a “funeral” for a dead turkey.

Boebert, who has railed against coronavirus lockdown rules, called out Colorado’s limits on personal gatherings to 10 people while “life-rite” gatherings like funerals can have many more people.

“In Colorado, Thanksgiving is limited to 10 people, but funerals are limited to 30,” Boebert told Fox News in a recent interview in Washington, D.C., during congressional orientation. “So I’m going to have a peaceful funeral for a turkey and have about 30 people at my house.”

Reached Wednesday, Boebert confirmed her “funeral” plans for Thanksgiving but also quipped that her guest limit should actually be allowed to increase since she’s added two more dead animals to the menu, a pig and a duck.

I wonder if she will give a eulogy and serve the turkey in a casket shaped dish.

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