Eric Swalwell Did What Live On TV?!

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We all remember Eric Swalwell as the first failed democrat candidate to drop out of the presidential race after gaining almost no support at all from the voters. That’s pretty embarrassing, but what happened earlier this week on live TV is even more embarrassing.

On MSNBC’s “Hardball With Chris Matthews”, Swalwell is talking about the current impeachment hearings when he appears to fart midsentence.

Swalwell says, “The president used taxpayer dollars to help the Ukrainians cheat…” then he stops mid-sentence, shifts to lift up a cheek and lets it rip and continues talking while appearing to stifle a laugh.

Eric Swalwell claims he is not the one responsible for the fart, nor did he hear it while he was talking. But then why does he pause right when it happens?

According to The Daily Wire,

Daily Caller reporter Luke Rosiak tweeted: “Love how he pauses his ramblings about invalid elections for a second before crapping his pants. He knew it was coming. Now that I know why he does the weird pauses, his ‘I’m gonna be bold …….. Without the bull!’ performance just got even worse.”

Buck Sexton tweeted: “Never before has one soundbite so perfectly captured an abandoned primary campaign”

NRSC communications director Jesse Hunt tweeted a video clip from the movie “Step Brothers,” writing: “Live look at Eric Swalwell talking to his staff after his on air fart”

BuzzFeed reporter Addy Baird questioned Swalwell about the incident, he continues to deny that he is responsible.

Baird: I’m really sorry about this but I have to ask if this was you or someone in the studio.

Swalwell: It was not me!!!!! Ha. And I didn’t hear it when I was speaking.

Baird: You look like you heard it and are stifling a laugh.

Swalwell: I def did not hear it.

As far as I know, the footage is not doctored. It’s obvious that Swalwell is the culprit. Watch and decide for yourself.

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