Elizabeth Warren has been climbing up in the polls lately and shifting support away from Joe Biden as a result.
Recently during an LGBTQ town hall event, Warren made it a point to insult men of Christian faith, saying they would never find a woman to marry.
According to The Daily Wire,
Morgan Cox, Chair of the Human Rights Campaign’s Board of Directors, asked Warren, “Let’s say you’re on the campaign trail and you’re approached—” Warren interrupted, “I have been.” Cox finished, “You have been, yes. And a supporter approaches you and says, ‘Senator, I’m old-fashioned, and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman.’ What is your response?”
First, Warren assumed that only a man of faith would believe in Biblical values and that a woman of faith would not take Biblical injunctions seriously, as she replied, “Well, I’m going to assume it’s a guy who said that.” She continued, “And I’m gonna say, ‘Then just marry one woman.’”