Election directors and deputy directors are quitting en masse in Pennsylvania on account of the new law passed to accommodate mail-in voting.
One county’s election official claimed, “The general assembly, the courts, and the governor have created a show of an election. Nobody truly understands what’s what, nobody has a grasp.”
Official’s concerns come from the many weeks it took to report the June primary results. With just six weeks until the presidential election officials are warning that the results will surely be a disaster.
NBC News reports:
An email among a group of Pennsylvania directors of elections, provided to NBC News, shared that nearly one in four counties across the state has seen leaders in their election offices leave.
At least one, in Mifflin County, left for a promotion to the Pennsylvania Department of State and has since been replaced. Others though, left after the new state law around mail-in ballots was passed last fall, or retired — and some of these positions are still left unfilled.
The emails describe that to loss of election officials should be “a Canary in the coal mine.”
“The loss of so many county election officials in a single year, more than anything else, should be a canary in the coal mine for state-level stakeholders to recognize that the current paradigm is unsustainable,” the email reads in part, also suggesting that more officials could leave before the election.
Wanda Murren with the PA Department of State made a statement to NBC News, “The Department of State is taking every possible step to assist counties as they deal with these challenges. Election administrators are a special group of people, dedicated to doing the hard work of democracy. We are extremely grateful to those who continue that work and we will continue to o everything possible to assist them and the new election personnel coming on board.”
Officials have expressed their distress about the constant changes that have determined how the election will be held.
Another county election official said, “Everybody’s had it. We don’t get paid enough, we’re working 15 or 16 hour days, and [the Department of State] keeps changing everything and so we have to keep throwing stuff away. It’s a waste of our office’s resources. It’s just insane. I’ve been through tough elections before and never see anything like this ever. And with the new laws on top of it, it’s unreal.”
No doubt, Democratic Governor Wolf’s lack of unfairness and leadership is contributing to the toxic environment that is causing a tremendous amount of chaos and stress.