CNN Uses Low Tactics To Attack Travel Ban

News For You

Yet again, the Liberal Left uses their “the ends justify the means” tactics and have decided to use Sesame Street puppets to push their agenda to it’s fullest. It’s really a new low, even for them.

Did their b.s. Russia crap not teach them anything?

As written for Daily Wire by John Nolte:

At no time during the 15-minute segment did CNN or Elmo inform the public of the fact that Trump’s temporary ban is meant to improve vetting procedures for refugees coming from countries designated by the Obama administration as especially risky when it comes to seeding refugees with terrorists. In other words, the pause is meant to keep American children safe from the Islamic threats that have become part of daily life in Europe.

At no time did CNN or Elmo inform the public that many of the people from that part of the world would prefer to stay in that part of the world, would prefer America’s refugee plan was to stabilize the region or to create safe zones.

At no time did CNN or Elmo talk about the trauma of separating children from their family, or the terror risk involved in bringing these refugee children over with adult family members.

New Low: CNN Uses Sesame Street’s Elmo to Attack Trump’s Travel Ban


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