CNN Suggests Manchester Bombing Was Right-Wing False Flag

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Yet another that “takes the cake” — Paul Cruickshank, CNN analysis, has suggsted that the Manchester attack could be a false flag op.

Appearing with Anderson Cooper, the “terror analysts” stated that a suicide bomber was probably responsible for the bombing at the Manchester Arena moments after an Ariana Grande concert ended, however, he floated around the idea that it could have just as likely been a right-wing extremist plot… WOW……

“It must also be noted that in recent months in Europe, there’s been a number of false flag plots where right wing have been trying to blame Islamists for terrorism,” Cruickshank said. “We have seen that in Germany in recent weeks.”

ISIS, of course, claimed responsibility for the explosion which left 22 people dead and nearly 60 injured, many of the victims being quite young as per Grande’s typical audience.

A false flag refers to a “covert operation” that a group performs in order to make it look like someone else did it.


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