Breaking: 29 Year Old Soldier Found Dead At Fort Bragg, In Barracks …

Crime US News

More tragic news out of America’s military this morning.

With Joe Biden’s purge of Patriots from the ranks of our armed forces and the quickly deleted tweet from the State dept that we are screwed in Afghanistan, we have to question everything.

No matter what the real story is here it is tragic.  Let’s hope there was nothing fishy going on, but when a 29 year old passes away under these circumstances, an investigation must be completed …

Cassandra Fairbanks of The Gateway Pundit reported:

‘An investigation into the death of Pfc. Mikel Rubino of the 82nd Airborne Division is underway after he was found unresponsive in the barracks at Fort Bragg on Friday.

Rubino, 29, of Oroville, California, was already deceased when emergency medical services arrived.

“The loss of Mikel to his family, friends and fellow Paratroopers is a tragedy,” said Col. Phillip J. Kiniery III, commander of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team. “We mourn Mikel’s passing alongside his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all during this difficult time.”

Rubino served as an infantryman assigned to 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, FOX 8 reports. He enlisted in the Army in 2020 and arrived at Fort Bragg in 2021.

Earlier in the day, it was announce that 1,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne were being deployed straight to Kabul.’


0 thoughts on “Breaking: 29 Year Old Soldier Found Dead At Fort Bragg, In Barracks …

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  4. Epstein didn’t kill himself and neither did Pfc Mikel Rubino.  
    Either he refused the “vaccine” and was snuffed out, or he took the “vaccine” and it’s what killed him.  OR                                                                                                                                                                              “Earlier in the day, it was announced that 1,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne were being deployed straight to Kabul.” 
    That right there would give me a heart attack.

  5. I really don’t like this kind of ineficient reporting.  The date of the PFC’s death is absent.  Don’t you think that detail is important?  Especially since there is the suggestion that his death might, in some way, be tied to the sending of more troops to Afghanistan.  Another question is why were they going to send more GI’s while the country was almost completley evacuated by then? 
    Suggesting that his death might in some was be associated with getting vaxxed is the kind of talk that makes conservatives look foolish.  I’m not saying it isn’t possible but to speculate this was without any suggestions in the report doesn’t make us look good.  Why not wait until there is some reason for the speculation?

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