Liberal State Now Attempting To Kneecap Second Amendment

Anyone who considers themselves a true patriot who holds what the Constitution says close to their heart is finding themselves checking off a list of states not to visit under any circumstances. Sure, we’ve all put California on our “Do Not Travel To” lists a long time ago, but it seems that another state has […]

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Liberal State Now Attempting To Kneecap Second Amendment

Anyone who considers themselves a true patriot who holds what the Constitution says close to their heart is finding themselves checking off a list of states not to visit under any circumstances. Sure, we’ve all put California on our “Do Not Travel To” lists a long time ago, but it seems that another state has […]

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Black High Schooler Made National News, Puts AOC In Her Place on Live Television

ICYMI, This was EPIC C.J. has become a fixture in conservative circles ever since he did this …| Sixteen-year-old CJ Pearson is very fresh on his high school civics lessons and gave Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) a refresher course on how the United States Government is supposed to work. AOC seems to have forgotten a lot […]

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