One of the most salient challenges facing the Biden administration in the first 18 months has been trying to prove to Americans that the White House is getting anything done.
“Sleepy Joe”, as Donald Trump so prophetically nicknamed him, was a reluctant candidate to begin with and it appears that this reticence to action has found its way into the official White House modus operandi.
This lack of urgency has even trickled to the East Wing, where Vice President Kamala Harris spent 90 days as “border czar” before actually visiting the border.
Now, with Roe v. Wade overturned by the Supreme Court, Harris is being accused of lackadaisical slackery once again.
On her official vice president Twitter account, Harris posted an image of herself watching CNN’s coverage of pro-choice protests while flying on Air Force 2.
“I know there are women out there who are afraid. To those of you who feel alone and scared: I want you to know the President and I are fighting for you and your rights. We are in this fight together,” Harris tweeted.
The sentiment did not go over well, however.
“Could you be specific? Like, *how* are you fighting? Describe the tactics, explain the policy, give us the rundown,” New York Magazine contributor Hillary Kelly wrote.
And there was more…
“Not VP Kamala Harris watching the erosion of #RoeVsWade from her plane, at a distance. Whoever thought this was good photo-op needs to be fired immediately. This is literally the embodiment of thoughts and prayers,” writer Anna Gifty tweeted.
Sports writer Trent Reinsmith similarly echoed, “So, more or less, ‘thoughts and prayers…’”
Ernest Owens, editor-at-large for Philadelphia magazine, tweeted to Harris, “Change his mind on this [changing the filibuster to protect abortion rights] and I’ll believe you.”
Democratic voters may not be willing to take much more of this stagnation, however, as the moderate wing of the party’s sleepy attitude toward accomplishing anything is no match for the vitriol and violence of the radical left.
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