Tucker Carlson Blows The Lid Off The Government’s Connection To UFOs

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Of all the strange things that have happened to the United States over the course of the last several years, perhaps none will have the impact of the US government’s recognition of the UFO phenomenon.

You see, it’s been over 70 years since an alleged flying saucer crash-landed near Roswell, New Mexico, sparking a wave of sightings and shenanigans the likes of which the world had never seen.

Now, as officials begin to pull back the curtain on one of the biggest mysteries in recorded history, the nation is anxious to see some mind-blowing evidence.

Now, Tucker Carlson reveals the most compelling evidence in the upcoming episode of Fox Nation’s “Tucker Carlson Originals – The UFO Files: Chasing the Truth.”

“Oh, UFOs, they’re spooky and kinda funny,” Tucker writes. “Crazy people believe in them. Up until you get to the line, ‘The Pentagon admits it doesn’t know what in the world this is.’ That’s all you need to know. From a national security perspective, that’s a very big problem.”

Tucker admits that one of the most vexing mysteries about UFOs is why the federal government has lied about their existence for so long—and reminds viewers there are pilots every day who might run into them.

Tucker’s UFO special is set to air Thursday night.

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