This year has been filled with “dress code violations” that have made our blood boil, even though the kids are out of school until the New Year. With Parents are also getting involved and pressing the school board to look into why male students are not being taught how to treat women but female students are being criticized for the way they dress.
There’s one last instance of a teen being shamed for what she wore to school that has the Internet crazy. And standing up for change seems to be a trend in this country lately.
A 17-year-old student from Oklahoma, Rose Lynn went to school wearing a pair of black leggings with a tank top and a long sweater, however, Rose Lynn shocked her when she was told to cover up, saying that her leggings highlighted her hips and “crotch.” The school administration says that Rose Lynn was not dressed appropriately enough, they told her to go home and cover-up. — Her outfit was deemed inappropriate and distracting.
However, she did as she was told but returned to school wearing the leggings with an oversize white t-shirt with a handwritten message: “If it doesn’t cover your crotch, you’ll distract the boys.”
Rose Lynn, like many other students her age, vented her anger about the incident on social media, making a lengthy post on Facebook about how women’s bodies and attire aren’t treated equally.
“Because I’m developed farther than the average girl my age, I am required to go home and change,” she wrote in the post. “Yet, if I was skin and bones or over weight, (not to offend anyone) I would be over looked and no comment would be made, (AT MY PARTICULAR SCHOOL.)”
She continued: “So once again, Society has failed to advocate young ladies, by confining them in a box, where they are stripped from their sense of self respect and self expression, rather than teaching young men to respect the boundaries of young ladies. My response : #Feminism#YoullDistractTheBoys#SocietyIsFailing”
Rose Lynn published the article on December 11; since then, it has received around 23,000 likes and 17,000 shares.
She believes that by taking a little statement against the double standard, more women will follow suit.
School districts must foster an environment where everyone is welcomed. And the first step to achieving this might be to modify the dress code regulations.