This Country Just Made A Huge Change To How They Handle Facebook Censorship

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Just last week, we saw the unscrupulous actions from Facebook in which they essentially banned sharing news in Australia.

In case you didn’t hear about it already, Facebook announced on Thursday of last week that it has blocked Australians from viewing and sharing news on the platform because of proposed laws in the country to make digital giants pay for journalism.

Australian publishers can continue to publish news content on Facebook, but links and posts can’t be viewed or shared by Australian audiences, the U.S.-based company said in a statement. So posting links and posts are absolutely pointless because no one will see them.

Australian users cannot share Australian or international news. International users outside Australia also cannot share Australian news.

Australia isn’t taking this lying down and neither is Poland.

Deputy Polish Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta, said social media companies have for too long been targeting conservatives, Christianity and traditional values by banning them and removing posts and the Polish government is saying “enough!”

“We see that when Big Tech decides to remove content for political purposes, it’s mostly content which praises traditional values or praises conservatism,” he said, “and it is deleted under their ‘hate speech policy’ when it has no legal right to do so.”

Now Poland has proposed new legislation…any platform that bans a user will be fined $13.5 million dollars PER INCIDENT!

This could be a step in the right direction. They make the laws, not Facebook. The only exception that the proposed law would have is if the content is actually deemed to be illegal under Polish law.

Poland knows a thing or two about free speech and censorship. After all, they spent 45 years under communism and they understand the value of free speech. When they see trends like this from Facebook and Twitter, they see the red flags waving.

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