While it is often simply assumed that our political leaders are a little out-of-touch with the mood of the American electorate, there are some moments in which all doubt of this is completely erased. This week, Democratic lawmaker Jamie Raskin crossed that line with aplomb.
Raskin, who has been an outspoken liberal critic of all-things-Trump for the entirety of the NYC business mogul’s political relevance, made the absurd claim this week that the work of the January 6th select committee is “unifying” the American people.
From an appearance on ABC’s ‘This Week”:
“People are busy, and so we know a lot of people, especially younger people, will learn about the hearings through snippets that go out on TV or online, and people now are able to process information in different ways,” Raskin outlined. “It’s not like the Watergate hearings where everybody had to be watching at the same moment because of the relatively primitive state of technology then. People are going to be able to absorb this over time, and I’ve certainly met a lot of people who are saying, ‘I missed one of the hearings, but I’m going to watch it this weekend.’”
And then…
“[T]he reality is that I think these hearings are unifying Republicans, Democrats, independents, libertarians … people across the spectrum in a determination that American constitutional democracy has got to work the way we know it has to work, which is we can’t have election officials being corrupted to fix elections. We can’t have politicians who mobilize mobs to overturn our processes.”
In reality, the January 6th select committee has been a force of great division here in the United States, as Republican lawmakers are forced to consistently remind the nation that the timing of the committee’s work appears aimed at undermining the conservative political machine ahead of the 2022 midterms.
And, to further illustrate the dichotic nature of the investigation, one of only a few Republican members of the group, (Wyoming’s Liz Cheney), is no longer recognized as a Republican by the state GOP.
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