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By Andrew West June 26, 2022 at 6:17pm Facebook
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In the wake of a Supreme Court’s decision that nullified Roe v. Wade, the Democratic Party has been in full meltdown mode. They are again wailing at the sky, gnashing their teeth, and aggravating anyone within earshot with all manner of plans to upend the decision either legislatively or legally.
The latest bombastic plan that is beginning to gain traction among the radical left is the idea of “packing” the Supreme Court by adding more justices through legislative action.
President Biden weighed in on this possibility over the weekend.
President Joe Biden does not support Democrats pushing to expand the Supreme Court, the White House announced on Saturday.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed the president’s position on the issue during an Air Force Once press gaggle. Some Democrats have argued for court-packing in recent years, but those calls were amplified following SCOTUS’ decision to overrule key abortion cases Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey on Friday.
Many of Biden’s fellow Democrats have argued for expanding the court to offset the influence of the three justices appointed under former President Donald Trump’s administration.
There was no mistaking the sentiment.
“So, I know I’ve… I was asked this question yesterday, and I’ve been asked it before — and I think the president himself … about expanding the court,” Jean-Pierre said to reporters. “That is something that the president does not agree with. That is not something that he wants to do.”
It certainly isn’t above a Democrat to change their mind, however, especially if the switch could find them favor with the far left voting bloc.
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