Because the mainstream media was not very interested in this story (for obvious reasons) it is likely that you did not see this when it broke. For this reason we are posting it again.
The sh*t show the Democrats staged at the confirmation hearings for Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, was a disgusting group denigration of the high office Democrats have been entrusted with.
This was borne out again yesterday when Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley made a third criminal referral, this one against a second Kavanaugh accuser, Judy Munro-Leighton.
Here is Grassley’s letter of referral to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray:
Chuck Grassley – Munro-Leig… by on Scribd
I am writing to refer Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton for investigation of potential violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 (materially false statements) and 1505 (obstruction), for materially false statements she made to the Committee during the course of the Committee’s investigation.
By itself Munro-Leighton’s admission that she lied about Judge Kavanaugh is despicable but, when taken in context of the way the Democrats orchestrated their resistance to Judge Kavanaugh throughout the entire confirmation process, should be disqualifying for high office.
It has been admitted by at least one Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee that from the outset top Democratic senators had been coordinating with the protesters – many of them paid – to disrupt the hearings and to create a false sense of outrage, some in the most despicable manner imaginable.
Then there was what now appears to be the wholly fabricated accusations of Christine Blasey-Ford that involved so many Deep State/Democrat operatives that a scorecard is required to identify all of them.
There’s every reason to believe that radical leftist, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris had a hand in Munro-Leighton’s claims because she was the person who brought Munro-Leighton’s letter to the committee’s attention.
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham became enraged at the Democrats’ unwarranted attempt to smear Judge Kavanaugh and make a mockery, using unsubstantiated and vile claims, of what should’ve been an austere, probative, examination of the nominee’s qualifications.
Senator Graham’s immediate celebrity in the aftermath of his outburst reflect the fact that all Americans are, or should be, asking the question if Democrats would willingly attempt to destroy the life of a respected “connected” Judge what chance do they have against these Stalinists?
The good people of Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – what once constituted the Democrats Blue Wall – came to realize this during the Obama administration when Democrats turned their back on our manufacturing sector and the towns that relied on it died.
They voted for Trump and so should you.
Yes, and the unions keep pushing the liberal socialist democrats at their members, which means they, the union bosses, believe the spiel being produced by them, the liberal socialists democrats.!! They are out to destyroy this country for the NWO and the world’s big bankers. We have to stop them all.!!
Way too many ads to read the story. Your page sucks
Liberal treason. Lying treason.
Seriously deep shit no one will DO anything about. Soooo….where’s the indictment? Where are the FBI?
See? Zippo….
Its a FELONY not a misdemeanor! please do your jobs! Lock her up.
How much more lies and crookedness are the dems going to get away with?
I pray God get crookedness out and truthfulness in our government.
This lying bitch! a bit of electrical charge will make this demonic s.o.b. tell who paid her for this crap! or maybe severe waterboarding, its time this shyt came out and was stopped!!!
Its wild that they didn’t censor you for being real man . Keep it up.
So here we go again. Proof of guilt evident but will any of the F*ing Democrats be brought to trial and arrested. Probably not which is why possible executions s/ b warranted.
WE the People Demand Jail Time for her and Betty Ford and Dianne Feinstien too
And yet kavanaugh has proven himself to be a deep state dirtbag…so I don’t feel sorry for him.
The liberal commie Democrats knew she was lying. The liberal commie Democrat politicians all coordinated their efforts over her. In the end it will be the SOS. No one ever comes down heavy on the liberal commie Democrats. They have a free pass on crime. If this were a Republican, it would be all over the media by the propaganda arms of the liberal commie Democrat Party
ALL of the people the Democraps presented and the politicians involved should be charged and put in prison for at least 5 years each. The DNC/Clinton/Soros should also be made to reimburse our taxpayers the millions of tax dollars the circus wasted.
Every success achieved by the Democrat Party is based on lies and cheating. When they don’t get their way they accuse their opposition of doing what they’re doing; Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” And now with the aid of the MSM, their in house propaganda arm, ANTIFA & BLM, their in house terror organizations, the Democrats are going all out to silence their opposition.
The Liberal MSM as trheir Pravda and the Marxist ANTIFA and BLM as their Sturmabteilung? Where will their pyskhuskas, gulags, and killing fields be?
Say what you will about the merits of today’s Democrat party having become socialist or communist, neither socialism nor communism are illegal in the USA. However, as made clear by the Democratic Congressional Members’ actions with regard to the Kavanaugh hearings and now the stolen 2020 Presidential election, the Democrats have become the Party of Lawlessness. This is surely both illegal and unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court should waste no time condemning and outlawing the entire Democrat Party.
The SCOUTS doesn’t have such authority. It’s not something we should wish for.
Consider this. The SEDITIONIST socialist Democrat Party will do almost anything to grab power. Do you really think the communist operatives only want to put Trump and his major supporters in prison?
So what if after passing HR1 and SR1 and ending the filibuster, they stack the SCOTUS? What if they try to ban the GOP as the party of insurrfection? Might they resort to using Arkancides against political opponents?
Where are we then? Are we not left only with dusting off the Declaration and taking it to heart with a vengeance and watering the Tree of Liberty as Jefferson said?
But the Supreme Court and its attorney general are both equally WORTHLESS.
She is a good Democrat. What happens to good Democrats? Promotions, riches, notoriety, or jail time? You guessed it and it wasn’t jail time.
It wasn’t necessary….everyone already KNEW she lied!
Except the lying jewsmedia.
That Democrat disgrace needs to be sued for defamation and enrichment gained from this crime.I have a question:Why are DEMOCRATS the epitomy of EVIL?
Maybe because they all have stepped over to the side of darkness, destruction & death. Satan seems to have a firm grip on them.
I think when people lie under oath on such a serious matter, they deserve some serious jail time. That might make some think twice before committing such a heinous crime.
For trying to screw up this guys reputation, his family and his life, she and her crooked lawyer should be entitled to ten years minimum in state prison! Her crooked lawyer should be disbarred! Which ever crooked democrats that set this up should also get ten years in prison!
And she has not been charged fr perjury yet WHY?
She should be arrested and jailed
a big YES
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Also the democrats that put on this sh!t show and lied to the American people should be put in jail!
The Democrat party has become scum. I remember when a true Liberal was looked up to by both sides of the political aisle. Now there are no more Liberal Democrats. They have all gone the way of JFK, HHH, Scoop Jackson etc. What remains has now morphed into far Left anti American fools. And, rember, lying, cheating & stealing IS the Democrat way.
While pursuit of JUSTICE for lying to Congress is MOST APPROPRIATE, one question is left unanswered: Was fighting for Justice Kavanaugh WORTH IT?
Kavanaugh has demonstrated he has been totally INTIMIDATED by Democrats and has abandoned his purported “principles” of support for the Constitution, frequently voting on the basis of Democrat “feelings”!
They lie, cheat, steal, fabricate. Quite the people.
check that handwriting against kamala harris handwriting.
Notice how it swaps back and forth between left and rightward slants..sometimes switching up after just one word. Seems like an attempt to conceal handwriting. At the same time..see how the writing gets rushed during the rape details..seems like excitement building smh. Not sure Kamala had her paws on this..but I bet Smollett Hoax did.
I just don’t understand how someone could tell such a horrible lie about anyone, to ruin his life, disgrace to his family!! I just can’t wrap my head around something so evil. Money is the root of all evil!! I don’t care how much money I was paid, couldn’t do it no matter what. So so horrible!!
The love of money is the root of evil, not money itself.
Dear Patriots:
It’s time that we ALL get armed and take to the streets to start fighing the current civil war these animals have started. Don’t get made at me. We didn’t start it. They did.
Democrats, BLM aka BLF and Antifa be warned Americans will dish retribution you cant imagine.
A Patriot
BLF is the corrected version of BLM
BLF failed ther families, kids, parents, communities, Cities,States and Nation.
St. Thomas Becket & Joe Biden: The Next Four Years ~ Fr. Kirby – YouTube
Isn’t it totally obvious by now the entire Democratic Party has been co-opted by those pathetic miscreants who feel the end, no matter how onerous, always justifies the means
Lock her up for slandering Kavannagh!
Has anyone bothered to note that this letter was dated TWENTY-EIGHTEEN?
We read and comprehended. Duh. It said so…maybe you didn’t.
Note: It was the finkelbergerstein broad ensyphletic old turdette from Califunny who slipped this lying broad in most likely. Hope “M” gets presion time and of course the Finlkelberger will buynherself anopther scarf to cover her turkewy neck.
…and WHEN are these bastards going to be charged with PERJURY?????
For some odd reason, the Right is weak-kneed and will not fight.
Doesn’t have anything to do with the right. It has to do with our two tier justice system.
she had better get some serious time for lying and destroying his reputation, he should sue her
Supreme Court Justice Sues little liar lady for trying to get him fired…I don’t think so.
They should add lying adam schiff for that too. His blatant lying to congress and starting the faux impeachment of Trump. Why is HE walking around out of jail?
Just one question: Is she currently in prison?
LOL..she may be in the Biteme administration
Probably some college professor somewhere.
When the stupid sheep in America finally wake it will be too late to save America. Our justice system is a complete joke and failure. A bunch of nazi brown shirts doing the bidding of rich elites. I have had enough of the corruption. Joe Biden is a idiot. Impeachment for him and Harris and his administration. Republicans better getting it going or the American people will.
Ok. So what is the crime for perjuring oneself to Congress while under oath??? When does her trial start.
It was all done at the behest of the Marxist Democrats Party so the liar gets one helluva taxpayer funded Golden Parachute and an all expenses paid trip for their entire family to Tahiti for about as long as the bs hearings were dragged on and on for.
If Schiff was hung for treason would his body snap off?
Jesus, this artilce was from 2018. How about something from this week on this.
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Isn’t this a 3-year old story? It dosn’t read like an up-date. Did they finally execute the lying sack of Kamal Schiff?
Uh, read the first headline sentence…or understanding what you read is an issue?
Hang (((him))) by his pencil neck.
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The people in the Democrat Party are incapable of telling the truth. Every day is but another day of moronics. They have to censor everybody else so that everybody will beleive their lies because ther is no dissenting opinion allowed to present the truth. I wish that we could make the public understand this before it is too late.
How you jump from an unsigned yet incriminatory document, that went unexamined by the FBI due to truncated background searching stopped by Republicans for Kavanaugh to individual voters in 3 swing states that turned from Trump to Biden in 2020 elections is astounding. Kavanaugh was, and remains, a political operative, acting in SCOTUS as a covert agent for Trump (who appointed him), still masquerading as a judge. The obvious attempt to smear VP Kamala Harris is clear. The other assertions claimed by writer are spurious and unwarranted, unless you realize they come from Trump cult. The former president still holds fantasy dreams of returning to the Oval Office–to avoid prosecution on an array of outlaw charges in and out of office–so this is one more bullet from his cult. It doesn’t wash with 70% of the country in polling that shows Trump as a serial cheater, law breaker and grifter. He’s now afraid of that comeuppance he so richly deserves.
You’re truly clueless!
Yes he is
LMAO…still making up lies as ypu go along. Have you booked your flight to Washington, so you can suck blow hole Joes cock?
Ha ha what kind of meathead wrote this. Pathetic!
“Oh Noo!, ‘Mister Bill!’!”, would I suggest it might, just might, be someone who can read? And, my dear Horatio, with out casting aspersions? [Although a quoted response from a US Army captain to a German demand for surrender during WW II might, to someone (like you?) unfamiliar with our history, might not “Get It”.]
Even in spite of the fact that the accuser came forward and ADMITTED she LIED about the whole thing, you’re stupid enough to write garbage like this? Tha she was hired to smear this guys with lies? Even in the face of in-your-face evidence? You have serious denial issues dude…
How did a mental clown like you ever get a doctorate?
He didn’t, he is just trying to empress everyone! imho
Common Core education.
Dr….Shit for Brains is too kind, shit has substance to it, this guy just stinks!
This woman must be arrested and tried, and she should be guilty, then sentenced!!! The Democracrats who put her up to this (i.e.: Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, & others MUST ALSO BE ARRESTED, TRIED, FOUND GUILTY, THEN SENTENCED!!! ALSO THE FBI EMPLOYEES who allowed this farce to continue, without any propr kind of investigation.
The demoRats are experts at lying.
(((They))) are our enemies.
So will Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats who put her up to this be charged too?
This is old news…Sessions was still AG! Of course she should be charged. Better yet, there should be an FBI investigation into who was behind these accusers.
No…the FBI couldn’t find their own ass at high noon in the middle of main street!!!
The FBI probably helped orchestrate the whole ordeal.
Robert Müeller, Jim Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Rob Rosenstein, and Andrew McCabe have ushered in the new level of competency, integrity, honesty, transparency and trust to the FBI.
Jail the lying bitch and her enablers.
Should not they be Jailed for Lying and the money that Betty Ford got in the go fund fun plan be taken away too Yes
Yeah, we knew you were lying!! There is an extra hot place in Hell for liers!!
They still havent charged COMEY…So what’s new????It all bullshit…
The whole democrat party should be indicted and the RINOs too!
screw kavanaugh he has been nothing but a dissappointment PRESIDENT TRUMP fought like hell for him an he has done nothing but side with liberals
You like the muslim bitches better?
That is not exactly accurate.
Kavanaugh is not a real Conservative, like Alito, but he is not as bad as Roberts.
He is no worse than Coney-Barrett, who I really hated to see Trump nominate. Barbara Lagoa would have been a much better choice. I don’t care for either Kavanaugh or Coney-Barrett, and don’t expect much good from either, but can you imagine the Hell of having Garland on the Supreme Court? That man is as demented as Biden. Garland either has no clue about reality, or is just very good at pretending to be in a permanent state of ignorance.
The dirty LYING BITCH will one day have to explain that to ALMIGHTY GOD!!
An investigator needs to tell the liar unless she tells who set her up for this crap…she is going to prison for at lease 5 years!! imo
So, why the HELL isn’t she in PRISON????!!?!?!
Because Democrats, courtesy of George Soros, are running most prosecutors’ offices, as well as all three branches of our government, and it’s so-called “Intelligence agencies”.
Did you know that the FBI just raided the home of a parent for speaking out against CRT at a school board meeting?
The Communists have taken over everything, and they are ignoring the U.S.Constitution, as if it had never been written.
If you voted for Biden, you and people like you, are responsible for what is happening.
zThe she should be prosecuted.
OMG. Are people dumb enough to believe this story? Anyone could have written that letter.
If it is indeed true, YOU are dumb enough to NOT believe it.
SOMEONE DID write that letter, and SOMEONE came forward, claiming to be the person who wrote it, and a LOT of SOMEONES actually were stupid enough to believe them — just like MANY SOMEONES actually BELIEVED THE GARBAGE STEELE “DOSSIER”, that anyone familiar with Hillary Clinton’s modus operandi, knew EXACTLY where the “dossier” originated.
Doesn’t she and those with her know they have done more damage to true and real rape victims than anything else. Oh I forgot they are dem-o-rat(KKK) they really don’t care about the ones that they hurt!
Arrest them for perjury!
Unable to view this BOMBSHELL of a story!
The Democrats didn’t stage a sh*t show. The Democrats ARE a sh*t show. They should always and everywhere be held in the greatest contempt.
Are we still a nation of laws ? If not, then be ready. I am.
wonder how much of the green stuff in the suit case from the Demoncrap’s buddy George Soros?
All Democrats that played a role in this travesty should be run out of the USA!
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This topic should not be rebroadcasted because Grassley is not chairman, has no ability to refer anybody to the FBI this year. And a referral last year for further investigation is a smear, not an indictment of wrongdoing. So hold the reprints and stick to the truth operant today.
That will change soon enough, if we still have a country left in 14 months!
You obviously missed the headline where it is clearly stated that the article is being reprinted, because the leftist shills in the media will never report it (That idiot, Joy Reid, who somehow got a job on MSNBC — maybe stupidity is a requirement — has been going on about Kavanaugh and the rape lies, since the Rittenhouse trial began. Maybe the lies about Kavanaugh brought to mind her own lies about Kyle Rittenhouse.There is no other similarity, unless it’s that both Rittenhouse and Kavanaugh are white. How silly of me. Of course — they are both guilty of being white.
So to liberals, the truth coming out and exposing lies is now “a smear”.
Doctor of what? Ignorance? You’re as likely to be a “doctor” as “Dr Jill”, whose thesis looks like the ramblings of a fourth grader.
Lying to Congress should be against the law.
It is.
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What’s that smell, oh it’s Ponzi?
they are Slow in prosecuting anyone for these lied and it comes to Treason and if they do not do their Jobs replace the Period and Harris should go to Prison too
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If you REALLY made that kind of money, you would never be trolling these sites.
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I remeber that hearing period when the media went all in with the accusers just like they went all in to get Rittenhouse life behind bars. All those women lied. Now, afer the fact, you had this woman admit she never even heard of Kavanaugh. I always have big interest in this kind of a story because it happened to me back in 1966. You are immediately guilty if this happens. In my case it was thrown out after a short time but, you never get your retainer and the accuser gets off scott free for lying, and at the beginning you have a lot of stress put on you when you haven’t done one thing wrong. The media was comparing Kavanaugh and Rittenhouse as bad guys just this past week.
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Senseless to even say anything with all these nitwits posting for their scam crap.
So will this useful political idiot be prosecuted as Jessie Smollet was? And her Democrat handlers who worked with her knowing if was unprovable are just as guilty.
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She made those statements under oath. Let’s see if the Attorney General ia worth his salt.
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One would have to have been a complete fool not to recognize the fact that all the so called witnesses against this judge were lying, completely lying. The Commucrats will stop at nothing to achieve their evil grab for more power to subjugate the American people.
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I getting Paid upto $18953 this week, Working Online at Home.CNN I’m full time Student. I Surprised when my sister’s told me about her check that was $97k. It’s really simple to do. Everyone can get this job.Go to home media tab for more details.☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛
Mary…Mary…Quite contrary….”get up off your back”, & earn a legitimate living! {“Pimpin, ain’t EASY”!} Whoreing is profitable?
So…Why isn’t she in jail, as we speak?
Why, don’t the Demoncrats, on this committee, come forward, & apologize to Justice Kavanaugh? {*Because they are complicit?} :O{{{
Where is common decency? Where is Justice? :O{{{
The DOJ and FBI are run by and for the Democrat Party.
This person and her statement is ONLY ONE of several who came forward at the Kavanaugh hearing times to accuse the SCOTUS candidate. If proven true and she lied, it does not take away from the general tenor against the now-sitting Justice who was then, and is now, a political hack.
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Will I get to work on the Lolita Express? I get all choked up thinking about it.