Outraged Gold Star Family Is Refusing To Allow Biden Admin To Sweep This Under The Rug

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Despicable. Even Dems know that Biden messed up when it comes to Afghanistan. He should have sent in more troops or fought back the Taliban until every American was evacuated. But instead, he stranded hundreds of Americans and allowed 13 American troops to be killed by a suicide bomber that they had in their sights. Lance Cpl. Nikoui’s family is demanding that the people responsible for his death, be held accountable, namely General Milley.

They want Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley gone for causing their son’s death.

According to American Military News, the 20-year-old was killed on Aug. 26 when an ISIS terrorist detonated a bomb at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul. The terrorist was a former U.S. prisoner who had been released by the Taliban after the U.S. abandoned Bagram Airbase shortly before the deadly attack that killed Nikoui and 12 other American troops.

“I’m still waiting for them to be held accountable for it. For some reason, they want to put the blame on everyone but themselves, but it is actually their faults, all of what’s happened. The thirteen that are dead is their fault,” Chappell said.

“I’d like to see General Milley resign,” Nikoui added. “I mean, he should be held responsible, he’s the joint chiefs of staff. And when I questioned him in Dover, Delaware, as to why wasn’t he planning this evacuation on any better, he was very hostile and was like ‘well, this has been planned for months.’ Situations like this are very fluid and it takes the generals that are on the ground to be able to change direction of any given task immediately.”

Nikoui reiterated that neither Mr. Biden nor the generals have been held accountable for the slain service members, adding that the US did not protect Kareem “the way he needs to be protected.” He said abandoning Bagram Airbase, which allowed the terrorist to be released, shows “the carelessness” of the administration.

“We were able to keep our son alive… for the last twenty years,” Nikuoi said. “Then he goes and joins the military to serve our country and our country can’t protect him the way that he needs to be protected. Bagram Airbase was a more substantial base that they couldn’t have done this evacuation from. Instead, they let the Taliban overtake that.”

“Then they go to the Embassy, they lose that and ultimately end up over there at the Abbey Gate of the airport. The fact that they let him out is a testament to the carelessness of this administration and to top everything off, our son wasn’t killed by a blast of the bomb, so this guy isn’t even the guy that killed him,” he added.

Watch The Clip Below. 

The Biden Admin allowed those troops to be killed because they were in the middle of negotiating with the Taliban, a position we never should have been in, in the first place. The whole Biden Admin should apologize for Afghanistan. They allowed 13 brave American soldiers to be killed for nothing, and they failed to accomplish the goal of evacuating all of the Americans. And they made the greatest country on the planet look weak and incompetent.


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